Chapter 4

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The shop was more extensive inside. Pens and cages everywhere with people looking over them. Moving around a small group of younger kids awwing at a litter of kittens, I approached the store owner. Or at least I thought that they were there. But no one was there, so looking around the store, I began looking at the animals, passing the snakes in terrariums with either climbing walls or a resting spot. Looking at it closely, something caught my eye-something for me to look their way. Turning to look into one of the terareams that seemed empty, I stared at it.

"Well, that is strange. This one seems to be empty. Wait, no, she's in there." Focusing on the dark space, something caught my eye. A glimmer of black, a long line of it. Following it, leading up into the rock wall, two black beady eyes stared back at me. A black tongue shot out at me.

"Well, hello, beautiful. By the looks of it, you're a black racer snake, are you?" The snake looked at me and tilted its head.

"Oh, so you understand me? Quite interesting. You know my son can speak parseltongue as well. But folk here don't understand."

The snake climbed down from the wall and slithered closer to me. Watching it, I noticed its scales were shifting in color. It's magic as well. The snake was now in front of me, only being blocked by the glass. It lifted its head a bit, staring back at me.

"I still need to find the shopkeep. Do you think you can tell me where they are? Don't worry, I will come back for you. I need to get my son a gift. You are not for him. Would you like to go home with me?"

The snake nodded and then turned to the right, sticking her tongue out. Looking that way was an older woman feeding some birds like owls, crows, and even a raven. She was letting out a sigh.

"Why does it have to be birds? But this could work for me. Harry always wanted a bird in the house, no matter what I had to say. Thank you, little one. I will be back for you, don't worry."

I was moving away from the snake while still watching it. Walking to the older lady, I moved around people, trying to avoid children and adults alike. Barely reaching the bird cages, I could feel all the birds looking at me. Some screeched at me. Others fluffed up their feathers, making themselves look more prominent.

I wouldn't say I always liked birds. Now they want to kill me. Great. Reaching the lady, I called for her.

"Umm, excuse me, mam. I am looking for some help." She turned to me and glanced at the bird beside her, who screeched at me.

"Oh! Yes, dear, what can I help you with?"

"Did you have any snowy owls for sale? And about the purchase of an animal you have here. She is quite a sweetheart. She came right up to me when she laid eyes on me."

"Snowy owls, you say. Yes, we have one left. She is pretty loveable, but I have to ask if the owl is for you or your child if you have one".

"No, the owl is for my son. He is heading off to Hogwarts soon and has been asking for a bird for as long as I can remember. Sadly, birds don't like me too much, if you can tell." An owl swapped down, trying to grab at me. Ducking quickly, I turned to the bird and glared at it. It landed on a bird stand, flapping its wings at me.

"Oh dear, are you ok? Usually, Henry is a sweetheart. I don't know what is wrong with him!"

"It's fine, mam. Birds just never liked me in the first place. Never knew why. So, about the snow owl?" She walked to the counter, grabbed a heavy book, opened it, and flipped through the pages. Stopping, she read off it.

"Yes, she is brand new here, and no one has picked her yet, so if you want to take her today, then it's a done deal." She looked up at me, smiling at me with a grandmother's smile.

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