Chapter 12

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It took a bit for the feast to finish and Dumbledore sent the children to their dorms. But in that time I annoyed Severus well enough that I can say we are going to be best friends. Even if he glares at me like he wants to kill me. Right now we are heading to the faculty lounge. Dumbledore wanted to properly introduce me to the teachers.

"Tell me, have you ever thought about adding unicorn blood to potions? Because I have done a lot of experiments on it and the results are weird." I walked next to the position master himself. He was annoyed with me.

"Unicorn blood is not a suited ingredient in positions. Everyone knows about the cures and how it affects the body. No sane person would use that as an ingredient." I shook my head. This man lost his spark. It is just simmering now, barely alive.

"You're right but people don't use some that was freely given. The magic around it changes and the results are amazing. My ma has a farm and they love to come by for her pies. You should give it a try. From my last potion, it can make a perfect magic resistance potion."

I walked further up next to McGonagall. From what I remember she is some kind of master for transfiguration. It's one of the most fun kinds of magic.

"Hey, I don't think I properly introduce myself. Names Alex Smith. Just call me Alex. You are the infamous McGonagall, are you? I read your work. Explaining the process by just using your imagination helped my son. Thank you." She looked kind of flustered and smiled back.

"Why thank you. I didn't know people knew about me outside of the school. Do you mind me asking who your son is?"

"Not at all. My son is Harry Potter-Smith. If he ever gives you trouble send him my way il straighten him out."

Her mouth opened slightly. I turned back to the rest of the group giggling. Still happy from seeing Harry being placed somewhere he will be cared for and safe. Looking at the rest of the group I noticed they all stopped. All mouth opened or wide eyes.

"Did I say something wrong? I don't think I did this time."

"That would be my fault but we will continue this conversation in the faculty room. Come along." Gandalf the Purple walked into a room and everyone followed.

They started taking a seat. Finding the only empty spot I sat next to a man who won a beard contest at the state fair. He smiled at me. And he was big. Like tall, big. I like him already.

"Let's start this meeting, shall we? First I would like to welcome Mis. Smith to join us. And bringing up a topic that I don't think Hogwarts has ever thought of. She will be teaching a new class called MD or Muggle Defense.

You are teaching students how they survive in the muggle world and how to protect themselves as well. From What I've been shown. Is that muggles have advanced far more than the ministry has thought? Mis Smith if you don't mind, would you show us what you will be teaching?"

Getting up I walked to the front and waved my hand. A small standing table formed in front of me.

"First things first. Hello, my name is Alex Smith. And I will be teaching the kids how to survive in the muggle world. From what I learned is that the muggles study teacher doesn't know anything about muggles and nor does the ministry. So here I am. Second, from what I can tell is that this school has different teaching styles?" I leaned on the table and watched as Flickwick answered.

"That is true! It's more effective for each teacher to teach the students. We have full control of the classroom. Why do you ask?"

"Just need to know. Finally thing. I won't be back until the next 3 or two months." I smirked as their eyes widened.

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