Chapter 1

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I was running around the building holding plates of food and drinks, placing them at their respective tables, and moving to the next. Each table where either filled with grown men

"Molla, is that dish ready? The old guys are getting fussy." I smirked, looking at the redhead woman currently cooking in the back. She has deep blue eyes and her hair is pulled back into a bun. She smiled and shook her head looking at me through the small window that leads to the kitchen.

"They're going to curse you, Alex, and when that happens, I want a front-row seat."

"You do that, I leave you behind with Anthony and claim I forgot something at home." She blushed and turned away from the window. I turned away, making more drinks for others needing a refill.

"Now, I gotta get these drinks to the fussy dumbasses over at table 8." a loud shout rang out of the bar.

"We are not dumbasses!" One man with short black hair with his red face. And stumbled getting up. He made his way to me pulling out his wand.

"Well, you act like one I'm treating you like now. Please sit down and relax. I got customers to feed and to get drunk."

"You bitch" his words came out sluggish. He aimed his wand at reading a spell. Before He could say anything I pulled out my fan from its holster and aimed it at his head.

"Sir, I would recommend you take a seat or leave. I have no tolerance for fools in my bar. And there's a sign on the door that magic is not allowed in the bar." He looked at the gun and smirked.

"You won't do it. Besides, what would a piece of metal do to me anyway." Letting out a sign, I aimed at his foot and fired.

"AHHH! " The man fell to the ground holding his bleeding foot. His friends quickly went to him.

They left the bar holding the bleeding man. Looking at the blood on the floor. I rolled my eyes seeing a hole in the wood. Placing my foot over it I swiped it seeing the blood disappear and the hole repairs itself. Smiling, I went back to the counter placing the drinks they left behind.

"They just don't know when to give up, do they?" she looked out the window glancing at the door.

"No, they do not. And the worst part is. That he thought a gun was a hunk of metal. I swear wizards need to step out of the bottle they call safety."

"True. Also, while you were dealing with that, some old guy asked for lemon drops. So I just got him a lemon pie. He also wanted some house dragon whiskey. He is sitting at table 13."

"Thanks for letting me know. I get on making that drink. After that, I will head to the office to pay the monthly shipments. Are you fine up here by yourself? "

"I will be fine. I call if anything is needed."

"Thank you again, Molla." Turning back to the bar. I began making house dragon whiskey. Adding ingredients by hand is better than using magic. Adding the final ingredient it shot up in flames and died down. Grabbing the lemon pie from the window I headed to the

Walking up sat an older man with a long beard and a pointed hat. His clothes were a bright red, and he gave off a grandfather vibe.

"Here you go, good sir. We don't have lemon drops, but lemon pie if that suits you. And your drink. Is there anything else you want? " He smiled at me and took a bite from the pie.

"Thank you, dear. And I must say that was some excellent magic back there. Where did you learn that." My smile dropped, turning into one of confusion.

"I am sorry, sir, but I have not used any magic today as we speak." I crossed my arms over my chest.

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