Chapter 7

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It took about three days for Hedwig to find her way back. But she made it in time. Flying to the open window leading to the study, she landed softly, looking around and seeing the woman sitting there. 


'It does not know that she is a fool. '

'Her life must be taken!'

Hedwig flew to Alex in a flash and started clawing at her head. She screamed. Running out of the room to only be followed by said bird.

"Danm, BIRD! Leave me the fuck alone! What did I ever do to you!" She raised her arms doing her best to block the claws of a very pissed-off owl.

"Hedwig is back!" Harry ran out of his room only to stop to see his mother being attacked by a bird.

"Mom? Are you ok?" He tried miserably to hide his laughter.

"Harry get your damn bird before I turn her into chicken wings!" Harry whistled caching Hedwig's attention. She moved away from Alex and few to Harry's arm. She brings her arms down looking over the light scratches on her arms.

"She is a spirited one. Just like a catfish on a fishing line." Harry laughed at his mom saying and noticed a letter.

"Mom you got a letter back. It's from the school." She reaches for the letter taking it out of his hands before that bird thinks of any ideas.  Opening it she skimmed through it and hummed.

"I have to get back to my study. You young man have to finish up homework. This is your last year in muggle school until the summer.

"Why do I need to do summer school with you during the summer again?"

"Because that school will not teach you anything about math or science. And you still need most of that to survive in the muggle world."

"Why do you have to make sense?" 

"Because I am your mom. And I most of the time know what is best for you. And in this case. I am."

He sighed and walked up the stairs back to his room. Bringing that demon bird with him. Chuckling at him I walked back into my study taking the letter. Taking the potion off the flame I started to mix it counterclockwise. Reading the letter fully. Stopping my movements. I groaned dropping the spoon in the cauldron and passed around my study. Completely forgetting that potion alone.

"FUUUUUCK! Why do teachers or just people in power do what they want when they want? There is fucking soccer game tomorrow. It's the biggest paycheck the bar gets. And a teacher. From my son's school. Is coming to that bar. Oh, this is not going to be good. What if they think it's a fluke? No, it's fine. I just have to risk it. Mady, they will come by before the game starts?"


Snaping out of her hazes she looks at the potion. The spoon that was in the coldren has caught fire. It was a metal spoon. 


She ran to the cauldron and tried to put out the fire with a rag. But the rag caught on fire. Tossing it in the cauldron. She cast a spell around it. Creating an air ball lifts the cauldron and gets rid of the air. But the flam stayed on.

"Huh. This is new?" Placeing it back on the table she made water and poured it in. Finally extinguishing the flame.

"That could be useful if I tweak it a bit. Mady making the fire stay lit underwater? Then how am I going to get rid of the flame? This is why I love potions." The door opened and Harry poked his head in.

"You didn't burn the wall again did you?" Cleaning her hands with a towel and shook her head.

"Not this time. But I found something new. At least nothing in any of the potion books from Flourish and Blotts."

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