Chapter 11

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During the ride Ron and I talked about almost anything. From sports to how our school lives will be like. We stopped when a lady with the trolly came by with snacks. I took out some money from the pouch mom got me that connects to my school fun. I bought some chocolate frogs, fizzing whizbees chocolate, a blood-flavored lollipop for Mom, and a tentacle tart for me. We ate and talked. I place the lollipop in Mom's bag for when she gets up.

During a demonstration of Ron doing a fake spell. I knew it was bogus because there was no magic going through the wand. Mom's six senses transferred into me when I was little; now I can see and feel magic. After he failed, a knock came from the door. A girl about our age walked in. She had big bushy brown hair that matched her.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his." She looked around and looked at my mom.

"Who is that?" She pointed at Mom. She was leaning on the window. Midnight was lying on top of her head and she lifted her head when she heard the word toad.

"And is that a snake? The school pet list said only owls, cats, and toads are allowed there." I turned to her and chuckled.

"No, it's allowed. No school out there bands familiars from their person. And she's my mom, she's going to be working at the school."

"And why Is she here? And not in the compartment with other teachers. Or just at the school?"

"It's complicated. She won't tell me. But I think she's just worried that I would be alone. But there might be something else. I can tell."

"Well before I say anything I'm Hermione Granger. I believe you were doing magic." I turned to Mom thinking about waking her but got rid of the thought fast. She needs her sleep. Ron did the spell again.

"Why isn't it working!?" He started waving the wand. I stopped his hand.

"It's not a real spell. There's nothing to help guide the magic to your wand. So I won't work." Ron looked at me confused.

"How would you know that? My brothers taught me how to do it. Though now you said it. They giggled the whole time. Those gits gave me a fake spell!"

"I could have told you that. If you want a real spell I can show you." Hermione sat next to Mom and pointed her wand at a broken candy.

"Reparo." The candy fixed itself and then laid back on the table.

"That's a real spell." She turned to Mom and looked back at me. "How is she still asleep? We have been loud the whole time."

"She gets sleep anywhere she can. She only wakes up when I shake her. Or anyone. But she knows that the train is safe so she will be sleeping for a while."

"Well, you better wake her up soon. We are about 10 minutes away from the school. See you both at school." She walked out. Snapping out of shock I moved to Mom and shook her.

"Harry let me sleep, baby. Mama needs her rest."I shook my head. Why does she always think I'm 5? It's funny. But it gets old fast. I shook her harder this time yelling.

"MOM WERE 10 MINUTES WAY!" She shoots up in a slight panic.

"I'm up! Where's the fire!" She wipes the sleep from her eyes. I chuckled and could hear Ron do the same thing.

"Sorry kid. Just tired. What will you say again?" She pinched her eyes and looked at us.

"We're almost there and we need to change. Can you get out for a bit?" She got up and headed to the door.

"You don't have to ask. Leaving already." She walked out, closing the door.

"Your mom seems nice." I turned to Ron and smiled.

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