Chapter 3

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"Come on in, Mr. Malfoy, have a seat. Please avoid the paperwork." I moved to my chair grabbing a worksheet about the contractors of the whisky business I have been secretly running, looking over the sails.

"So, what brings you to my bar? Or what I call it. The Hidden Grove." Glancing at him as he looks around the large room. There are shelves with wizard books from potions to astronomy, including regular muggle books for Harry. A desk in the center with a stack of papers and a picture frame of Harry holding up my pet niffler at home. I grabbed a worksheet with numbers, which looked like I was busy.

"There have been rumors that you have band magic in the building. Is that true?"

"Yay, so what? I get customers who are muggles and from the magical world. I have been telling your damn ministry about this shit for years now." Writing down numbers for the following total, I glanced up at him and then back down.

"Then you know the protocol. You will close up your bar for muggles and only allow wizards into your building." He placed both hands on his staff, looking at me smugly.

"Haha! Oh, that's just funny." I Chukuled, leaning back into my chair and placing the paperwork and pen in my hand. He looked at me confused but continued.

"This is serious, Miss. Smith. If you dont close up your shop to muggles, then I will have to close this myself."

"First off, it's Mis. Smith and secondly. No. I can have whoever I want into my bar—Muggle or not. So, if you have something important, then do tell us. But if not." I leaned forward, looking him in the eyes, forcing magic in my eyes, changing their color, and having them glow green.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BAR." He only glared back.

"Listen here, Mis. Smith, I can close this bar and other things at my disposal. I dont think your son would like to see this place closed and his mother in Azkaban. Hell end up at his relative's home or a social worker's home. I dont think you want that." My eyes widened. This fucker did not just say that shit.

"Listen here, you pieces of shit. You can threaten me all you like. But when you bring in my son into your fucking pissy ass threat, then you fucked up. This bar has been open for over 200 years. It has been passed down to my family for generations. Making this bar a fucking wizarding historic site. It is above at least one law of the owner's choice. And for as long as my family has lived, we have picked one law."

"ONE LAW that allows us to serve whomever and whatever we want! And you come here saying that you will be taking my son away from me for a fucking law that has been in place for thousands of years, then you fucked up! I have the FUCKING LAWED FRAMED ON MY WALL RIGHT THERE!!" I pointed at a picture frame hanging on the wall with a picture of Harry's drawing around it.

"NOW! If another one of your ministry men comes to my establishment and demands some stupid shit again, then! I'll string you all up from your legs! Cut your thoughts out! And make sure you bleed out while I use your fucking organs as decorations! Faster than any of you can say that the devil is kissing his wife! Now!"

I slammed my hand onto the desk and moved around him, grabbing him by the back of his cloke and dragging him out of the office. He started to swarm around, yelling at me.

"Get your filthy mud blood hands off me!" I pushed him to the front door, kicking and screaming and pushing him out the door.

"You stay the fuck away from my family and my bar! And if you even think about bringing my son into this. Then you're going to wish you never met me, you fucking inbred pure blood!" Shutting the door behind me as I took a deep breath, looking back at Harry. His eyes were wide, and he wore a slight smirk.

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