Chapter 10

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A couple of days go by and it is time for Harry to head off to Hogwarts. During the time waiting I had him refresh on his wandless magic and wordless magic. Transfiguration, charms, potions, and herbology. Well, we tried our best but I can only take care of plants for so long before they die. And in that time I called in a favor to create a tracking charm on Harry's necklace. For 2 days he believed he missed placing it until I put it back on his bedside table.

Even creating a portkey to teleport him back home on his bed if he needs it. I gave him some coins so he could buy anything he needed on the train and his bag had an expansion charm inside giving him a separate room so he could practice his magic without any interference.

But there is one more thing I will be doing. Dumbledore told me to come to the school so I could be introduced to the new and old students. Harry already knew about the job and was excited about me working at the school. Especially if I am teaching them how to defend themselves in the muggle world.

So here I am with Harry looking for the entrance to the platform to the train. I forgot to ask the old guy about the entrance and now here we are looking like chickens without a head.

"Mom, we've been looking for an hour and there is no entrance." Harry laid his head on the cart looking board out of his mind.

"I know."

"And when you asked the station master. He called you insane."

"I know."

"And the train is going to leave in 15 minutes."

"I know."

"And you're saying I know because you're not listening to me."

"I know."


"Huh what? Sorry Harry just trying to sense the entrance but there are too many people here to look correctly." I kept looking around trying to spot anything or anyone heading to the station.

"Mom, there's a lady with her kids talking about the platform." I looked at the way he was looking at it.

There, A woman with red hair is walking fast telling her kids to follow close. Two of the kids look the same, twins. The second is an older young man with clean robes and a symbol on it. The other two are a small red-haired boy with a smidge of dirt on his face. Next to them is a little girl with long red hair. She looks too young to go to school.

"Grab your stuff. Quickly." Harry did just as told and brought the cart and we both started heading to the family.

"Excuse me. If you don't mind, can you show us the platform? I forgot to ask the professor in the letter."

"Oh don't worry about it. You're now in all this. You're a muggle?" We started walking with her.

"No. Just never went to Hogwarts. I'm from America of all places. And the school is different. But my son here was accepted to Hogwarts so we are stuck."

"Why would that be a bad thing? My whole family has been to Hogwarts for generations. It is the safest place in the world. Well not as safe as Greedgots but it's close."

'My brow rose. That was the same thing that the professor said. It seems like that old guy is more of a problem than I thought he was. I'm going to have to cut my three-month wait period in half.'

"Nowhere is safe. There is always going to be something that gets through. And someone who pulls the strings." I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. I could see her slightly shiver. I turned back to the kids and noticed the last kid running through a wall.

"There is the platform?"

"It is. It's better if you give it a run if you're scared. Go on, try it." I stopped Harry from walking into the doorway and examined it. Focusing the magic to my eyes I saw that the gateway was just a portal link. Go in one way, come out the other. It's safe but can be closed if it senses muggles.

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