Chapter 13

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Drifting off to sleep I was woken up by a red flashing light. Opening my eyes I looked at where the light was and saw the walkie that mom gave me light up.

"Thor, this is Loki, come to Thor." Quickly I grabbed the walkie and brought it closer to me. Casting a silent spell and a light dampened sleep I pressed the button on the side.

"Hi mom, sorry I mean Loki." I hit my forehead. I've been doing this my whole life and I mess up. I feel stupid.

"I'm going back to the Hidden Grove." Mom said. Listening I can feel a small smirk on her face for my mess up. Snapping out of my pity I focused on her words.

"What about this soon? I thought you were going to stay for the first day." That was what she told me she was staying for one class. At least.

"Sorry hunny but I can't. You know I have to make sure everything works well. Do me a favor, go to a window, and put a candlelight on it. I see it." Grabbing the closest candle I lit a match. Igniting the candle I went to the window and placed it close to it. Climbing on top of the empty bedside dresser I looked out.

"Can you see it?" I can't see anything.

"Yup, you're like a little mouse underground. Can you see me?"

"No, not really." looking out I still can't see anything.

Still looking out my eyes widen when a light slowly came. As it grew it looked like a star. Feeling a smile I rolled my eyes. 'Show off.'

"I see you! Did you have to use the star spell?" The light died slowly.

"It is not too bright and not too dark to use. Now get some sleep. If you want to talk, use the walkie to contact me. It will work no matter how far I am." I put out the candle and climbed back into the bed.

"Alright. When will you get back?"

"Give me a mouth. I told the teachers that it would take me 3 months but. I have some paperwork too. And I need to sign you up for lordship classes. And get you your lordship to begin with."

'I forgot I had to do that.'

"I forgot it's that time."

"Yup. Now I have to get going. Love you, Harry. Loki over!"

"Love you too Mom. Thor out." I put the walkie under my pillow and closed my eyes. And let darkness take over. 


The next morning when I woke up I realized I wasn't in my room at home. I don't listen to music early in the morning. Pulling out the pocket watch mom gave me I looked at the time.

"I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" As fast as I could I dressed myself and ran out of the common room. Running from hallway to hallway I kept looking at my schedule Trying to find transfigurations. Leaning on the wall I took a deep breath. Then a tingling feeling as if it was telling me to go straight. My brain was trying to rack around this feeling.

Deciding to follow what it's telling me. It leads me upstairs out to the hall next to the courtyard. Then to a door realizing what the door was for I ran to it. Walking in I see a cat sitting on the desk. Quickly taking a seat in the back I pulled out of my book and turned to the page on the board.

"Mr. Smith, why are you late to my class?"

Slowly I turned around and saw McGonagall standing behind me. I gave a shaky smile.

"I'm very sorry. I got lost."

"Do I have to turn you into a map to make it to my class on time?" I hesitated in answering.

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