Chapter 8

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Severus eyes widen at the name she said. Harry Potter is her son. She is the woman who took Harry from his aunt and uncle's house and raised him as her own. And she is working in a bar with her. Her attention moved from him to a muggle asking for another round of beer to be sent to their table. The sun is not even down yet and they are drinking like world peace was achieved. She nodded and crouched down to get new beer mugs setting them in rows. The man went back to his group. She started pouring them keeping the forum at a decent size.

'How did this woman get Harry her son? She is a bartender. And she is forcing Harry to work here. Lilly's son. Lilly would give her a talking to if she was still here.'

He looked around the place trying to spot Harry. Looking in the crowd he spotted a child grabbing plates and putting them in a cart with a server. He was tall and had some muscle on him. His face still had the baby fat and he is smiling.

He notices that the server keeps all the beer mugs away from his hands and places them in a separate red basket. They walked off to the kitchen letting the noise of a woman barking orders.

"So Severus, you teach potions. Have you heard of a potion lighting a flame that stays on without oxygen? And won't go out in the water. Asking for a friend." He turned to her. She leans to him with excitement in her eyes.

"No. There is no potion out there like it. That is not possible. No spell or potion out there can do what you are describing."

"Huh. I'm the first one. Nice. I'm the first one. Here this is on the house. For your troubles. Hey! Keep your filthy hands away from my snake!" She ran to the other end of the bar to a tank. 

And that is how the hour went. She would ask questions and I answer them, then run off to do something else. Only after the group started leaving did she fully talk to me. She started to clean up the bar. During that time I did not sip the drink she gave me. She was letting it sit there. She finally said something that wasn't in order.

" I am so sorry about all that Severus. I tried to finish as fast as I could. Soccer games are a huge pay grade the bar gets." She walked out of the bar and came to sit a seat away from me cleaning some glasses.

"It is fine. But it would have been faster if you let your employer know that you had a meeting to attend to."

"Employer? Oh no. I own the place. I just wanted my staff to get a double on their paycheck. I am closing the place after I am done cleaning." My eyes slightly widen at this news. 

For as long as I have known this place I knew it has been here since my grandfather was alive. Andy my father would come to this bar offted to drink his sorrows before coming home. Everyone I know has heard of the bar. And how they don't allow magic in their walls. That the old lady who ran the place would personally knife anyone who broke that rule. But this woman before me is not the old lady. Looking down at my drink I began swirling it.

"You own this bar. Whatever happened to the old lady who would stab anyone who made her mad? The old cook sells the place or gets killed by a customer." 

A shiver ran up my spine as I looked up. Alex's eyes stared at me sending daggers at me. As if I could feel a snake coiled around me cutting out my sir supplies. In the corner of my eyes, I could see everyone else staring at me. One macular man got up from the chair keeping his eyes on me. Harry was looking between me and Alex as if knowing what was going to happen.

"What did you just call my granny?" Her voice went from bubbly to ice.

"Because if I heard right. You just called my Granny a. Cook." She leaned closer to me never blinking. I leaned back only to feel my back hit something. Behind me were three men. One of them was the young man from before.

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