Chapter 9

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Walking into his office, I was greeted by paintings and books. There are stairs leading to a table and a very old-looking bird sitting next to it. Keeping my eyes on the bird, I slowly walked up the stairs.

"Hello? Umm, I have a meeting with someone named Dumbledore. Names Alex. And your huge ass bird is looking dead." I walked closer to the bird as it stared at me, lifting its head.

"He is fine. I'm just going to transform soon." I jumped and turned. At the doorway is an older man with a beard almost as long as his arms. He wore a red robe with a floppy hat on his head. He went to the desk and took a seat.

"Please have a seat." Doing as he asked, I took a seat.

"My name is Alex Smith. I wrote a letter to you about my son." His eyes twinkled, and he was up on a warm smile.

"Yes. I read your letter. Are you worried about Harry coming to this school, correct?" I kept my face straight with a smile.

'I am here because Harry had his name enrolled in the school. But sure, change the reasons.'

"Yes, that is one of my concerns."

"Fear not. Harry will be safe here in the school. Many have said that there is no place safer than Hogwarts."

"Not to be rude, but no place is safe. No matter what anyone says. I have seen it firsthand. So Harry." He leaned back, keeping his smile.

"There is no need to worry. We have professors proficient in their field ready to protect the students at any time and anywhere on the property. And the schooling here is the best in all of Europe." He is still avoiding the main reason.

"Look, it's good that your teaching here is great, but that is not why I came here. I want to know how, in all that is good, my son's name ended up in your school's exception list." He nodded and leaned forward.

"I see. Well, you do know his birth parents, correct?"

"Yes, I do. I was the one who had to do the paperwork for both Muggle and wizarding laws."

" When Harry was a baby. They came to me to put his name down. He has been registered since he was born."

"That won't be possible. You can't just sign your son to go to a school at birth."

"But it is. James Potter and Lily Potter came to me and signed him up for the school right when he was born. There is nothing else to it."

"Alright. I take that for an answer, but I still have some concerns about this school." his poster changed to almost guarded. But he kept his face the same neutral and composed.

"What kind of concern?"

"For one, you said that there is no place safer than Hogwarts. But that is not true. Anything can be broken into if someone tries hard enough. Second, I saw that the list for the school supplies is far too expensive. I barely had any funs left after getting Harry's books. And third, you don't teach anything about the muggle world and how to survive in it. Or remain hidden in plain sight."

"We have a class called Muggle Studies. I believe that should be sufficient enough." He straightened his back, placing his hands together.

'He's nervous.'

"Then if I showed your teacher a random idea. They're going to tell me the proper name and what its proper use is. " I leaned back into my chair, keeping my tone at an even pace.

"I have fate in my muggle studies teacher. She has been a teacher here at Hogwarts for years now. Charity Burbage has worked her best to give muggle-borns and half-bloods alike." His tone rises slightly

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