Chapter 14

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As each class went on I gained more homework than I'd had. So here I am in the library doing said homework. At first, I tried to do it to my doom but it turns out that Maxim is a very social person and decided to invite some people to our doom. At some point, I decided to leave and find a place where I could do my homework in peace. And I guess that Neville had the same idea because he followed me. Which leads me to help him in the class that is terrified to go to.

"Harry for the Cure for Boils potion. Do we add the two porcupine quills before we take the cauldron off the fire or after?"

"We add them after we take them off the flame. If not it will ruin the potion and won't be complete. And the magic won't accept it that well. Well, it will. But it won't give you what you're asking for." He looked at me with wide eyes then persisted with his lips.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"How do you know this? I mean it's not bad. I just never heard of a first-year knowing this much. And your questions in class, how did you know that?" I chuckled as his face grew red from embarrassment.

"You can say it's a hobby. Not mine per se but my mom's." He tilted his head.

"I thought your parents were dead?" I leaned back in my chair and started twisting my pencil.

"Oh, no. They're dead. I mean my adopted mom. She loves this stuff. She would make this potion that would go wrong almost all the time. But there are moments where she makes something new. She would have me sit in a high chair in the room under a protection charm and just talk and show me what to do.

It got to the point where my first word was potion because she would say it so many times. You should have seen her face. It looked like a gaping fish. Gran laughed for weeks. And would remind Mom about it. But if she didn't do that I would have never learned potions. Or found a likeness to them."

"I don't want to sound rude but your mom sounds crazy. But nice."

"Oh, she is. I sometimes wonder if she was just a kid that never grew up."

I smiled at the memories flashing through my head of her adding something and me standing on a chair looking at what she was making. She goes into too much detail but makes it sound amazing. Then times when she added something and it started bubbling or swirling and she would tackle me and use her body to protect me from it. But in the end, we would smile and laugh at what just happened.

"From the sound of it, she is. I wish my family was like that more often. For a while, they thought I was a squib until my uncle decided to drop me from the second-floor window." He looked back down at his paper writing down the answer.

Staring at him for a bit I sat up right. "What do you mean that your uncle dropped you from a second-story window?" He looked back at me and shrugged.

"Like I said he dropped me from there since he thought I was a squib. It was a long time ago. The family apologized for letting it happen." He went back to his paper. Gently grabbing his face I forced him to look at me. Squishing his cheeks I looked him dead in his eyes.

"You mean he never apologized for doing that to you? A baby. With the ability to control his magic so well as an infant." I can see worry in his eyes.

"Umm, I guess?" letting his face go I grabbed a paper and started writing.

"Harry? What are you doing? You're scaring me a bit." I finished the letter before he could read it.

"I'm doing something about it. Now tell me has anything like this happened like this before?" I'm now in full detective mode. No smile on my face, my face returned to a resting B-face.

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