Chapter 15

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After getting the paperwork on Sirius Black was more of a pain than I thought it was going to be. Theseus Scamander took way longer than he thought he would need to get a simple court case. While he was doing that I spent more time with goblins than I knew I needed. Getting Harry's lordship ready as well as everything that his parents had was a lot. I had to go over every potter value that they had.

Each vault either had things missing or money taken from them. Don't even get me started on the cursed items that are held in the vault. I don't even know how it got this bad. Before Harry went to Hogwarts all his stuff was locked to both him and me.

Even after I signed every piece of paperwork, imagine. Every right thing I need to do. I could not overwrite the right to open the vault or his lordship. There was so much that needed to be fixed that I wish that the potters hadn't made their will airtight.

"So from what you're telling me, someone has been using the seats that Harry has to vote for laws that are strange or against the Potter name?" Griphook nodded as he read over the paper again.

"Just as I said. There has been someone using the family seats to bypass laws that seem to be strange. And there has been a payment plan of 5,000 dollars a month."

"Can I have a paper real quick?" He nodded and handed me a paper and quill. Doing the math real quick my eyes bugged out.

"That's. 36,750 American dollars. Who in the world is stealing from a child?"

"We can trace the payments if you want. It will only take a couple of days."

"If it's not too much trouble then do it." I pinched my nose and took a deep breath.

"We will get started on it. But I must bring your attention to the chairs of the council." Be handed me a paper. Reading it over."

"Hadrian/Harry James Potter-Smith

Son of Lily Potter and James Potter (Lordship status pending approval of garden)

Heir of Most Ancient and Noble House of Hufflepuff (Lordship status pending approval of guardian)

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter (Lordship status pending approval of guardian)

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (Lordship status pending approval of guardian)

Those are the Lordships that he will get after you approve of. Is that something you want to get done?" I read over the Lordships and vaults that go to each one. 'That was too much money to give to an 11-year-old kid.'

"Yes get it done. Harry is at school and I will arrive at the end of this month. I got my business and organization working well."

"He will have to be here to accept the lordship but for now he can wear the family rings. They don't have any abilities that we goblins could find but from what we can tell it gives abilities to the lord of the ring. So he will have to find it himself." Letting out another sigh.

"That will have to happen during the winter break. Can that be scheduled?" He started writing something down, putting it in an envelope and vanished.

"It's done."

"As for the vaults, cut off all not Harry or I payments. And make a school account just for Harry. Transfer about 200 galleons to it. That should be enough. As for the main vault, is there a card that I can get? And monthly updates on the vaults?" The goblin smiled, pulling out a silver card and a gold card.

"Silver is the kid's school vault and gold is all the vaults. Is there anything else you need? Smith."

Looking over the paperwork one last time I came across the houses. All the properties that the potters originally owned. And since a potter is still alive they are still in their name.

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