Chapter 2

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Years passed and Harry was growing well. He was learning things from both No-maj and magic. Before he would only learn no-maj things at school and magic at home. With the help of my Ma in science and math. I was good but I didn't have an MIT degree in mathematics as well as a bachelor's in Chemical science along with physics.

But after three years of accidental magic and parents along with teachers asking about his scar I had to pull him out and home-school him. After his first week, I realized he does better in school at his pace. I know not all kids can do that but he loved learning.

His magical studies were a different story. He would follow me in the potion lab and study potions with me as well as charms and all other classes. I had to get a tutor to teach him the basics of being a lord and all that seeing as I'm not a lord or lady I had no idea. Meaning that was his most hated class.

Now we are visiting my Ma back in the state of Texas on her farm that Pa left to her. We stayed there over the summer helping out on the farm and just enjoying ourselves. Ma tells him stories of old and I try to stop her from telling him embarrassing stories about me.

Looking out at the fields I see Harry running over to the horse stables to see the new foul that was just born.

"Harry, be careful with that foul. The Queen doesn't like too many people with her child. You know that."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine. I remember what grandma taught me." he walked into the barn keeping the doors open. He's wearing a flannel shirt with riding jeans. Both had mud and grass marks all over them.

"He's just a big bag of crickets, ain't he." looking to the side, I saw Mom walk out of the house standing beside me on the porch. She placed a hand on my shoulder smiling at the barn.

"He is just a happy kid, Ma. He knows we are leaving today and wants to have fun. While we are still here."

"I know, but you and Harry could stay here for his birthday? I can make a cake?" She smirked at me, nudging me. She has reddish-brown hair with gray roots. She has her reading glasses hanging on her neck. She is wearing a simple red shirt with jeans. She has this aura around her that makes her seem mean and mad but she is just a sweet old lady.

Don't tell her that I called her old. She'll skin me alive.

"I know, ma, but We have to get home. I can't leave the bar running without me for that long."

"I know. Oh, before I forget, there is a letter for Harry and you." She handed me a letter.

"Really, from who? "

"Well, it's not from Charlly. I already asked him. And it has a wax seal which in their gods' green earth uses wax to seal a document." She went back into the house muttering how stupid people are.

Mr. H. Potter-Smith

Second biggest room

12345 Grove Ally Winding Path

'Who are these people'

"The real question is how did they know we were in the States??" Turning it over. Shows a red wax seal of a bagger, an eagle, a lion, and a snake.

"Thanks, Ma. Harry, come on back! We need to get going!" He stuck his head out of the barn and waved the horses bye. Not able to hear him, he ran back. She went up the steps and stood in front of me.

"All packed?

"Yup! "

"Ok." Looking back into the house I see Ma grab a cup and start filling it with water.

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