26. Kidnapped

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The following afternoon, I find myself in an extended meeting with the owner and contractor of a new hotel. Disagreements are present, and other significant meetings have been postponed for this one. My cell phone vibrates in my pocket yet again, the fourth time, but my team knows to use the work landline for urgent issues. That way, I'm only interrupted when absolutely necessary.

Moments later, a knock on the door breaks our concentration.

"Come in," I call out. A flustered new secretary -with a name that escapes me every time — steps into the room.

"What is it?" I inquire, with a hint of irritation.

"Mr. Lavens, someone on the line insists they need to speak with you urgently. They're waiting on line two in your office."

I give the young woman a stern look, causing her to avert her gaze.

"Can't Vanessa take the call?"

"No, sir. She's not here. She left just after noon and hasn't returned."

A little hint of concern comes over me, and I pull my phone from my pocket and check the number that tried to reach me. The last call was from the security firm, and the three before from Sergei.

I stand up, preoccupied, and mumble absently: "I have to leave you alone for a moment, this phone call can't wait."

Without waiting for their answer, I storm out of the conference room. I pass a few people, but I stare straight ahead, not knowing who I pass because I am only thinking about one person: Vanessa. Why is Sergei and the firm calling? Why do they need me? Is she dead? Is she in the hospital? I storm into my room and can't get to the phone fast enough. I take the horn and tap two.

"Mr. Lavens."

"Sir? This is Sergei. I'm in pursuit of the vehicle carrying Vanessa. They've taken her..."

The call is severed by the sound of shattering glass and a thunderous crash.

I gape at the receiver, emitting a relentless busy signal. Has Vanessa truly been abducted?

In a reflex, I hurl the nearest object within grasp. The folder smacks the wall with a resounding thud, its contents scattering like leaves in the wind. A crowd gathers, drawn by the commotion, including the building's security.

Meeting his gaze firmly, I command, "Jake, get your supervisor on the line now. Vanessa has been abducted."

The man nods and hurries off. I pulled out my phone and dialled the police. I report that my fiancée has been abducted, and her bodyguard may have met with an accident.

They informed me that they were already aware of the accident and instructed me to come to the police station immediately.

Upon my arrival at the station, I am required to recount all that I know. It's difficult to remain composed, particularly when they inquire about potential adversaries.

We have accrued many foes; I have numerous adversaries.

"My cousin, although he's in prison. My former partners, Sara and Karen. Those are the individuals who object to our relationship."

""Mhm, is your cousin Kevin Lavens?"

"Yes," I reply with suspicion.

"Kevin Lavens was conditionally released last week."

"What? He was sentenced to more than five years."

"Indeed, but according to this, he's out on bail. However..." The officer scans the documents and inquires, "Has anyone informed you? It's clearly stated here that he was released."

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