39. The first heartbeat.

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Following the ultrasound, we had arranged a dinner. Vanessa and I were certain Stephanie wouldn't remain silent around Arthur.

The diner buzzed with the soft murmur of conversations and the clinking of cutlery on plates. Vanessa and I exchanged glances, struggling to contain our excitement. Arthur, on the other hand, seemed blissfully oblivious as he focused on his meal. Stephanie, seated next to him, attempted to stifle a knowing smile.

"So, Arthur, have you ever considered being a godfather?" Vanessa began, giving Stephanie and me the cue.

Arthur replied, still chewing his food: "Hmm, godfather? Like Marlon Brando? Should I start practising my mobster accent?"

I laughed. "No, not that type of godfather. Rather, someone who would assume a significant responsibility and play a special role in a person's life."

Arthur looked puzzled. "Ah, I see. You want me to look after your plants while you're away. Sure, I can do that!"

Stephanie, placing her hand over his, chuckled. "It's somewhat more demanding than plant care, Arthur. It's a commitment for life."

Arthur arched an eyebrow. "Oh, I understand. You want me to house-sit and ensure it doesn't feel abandoned."

Vanessa, now laughing, said, "No, Arthur. We're talking about someone very dear to us, someone who will require guidance and affection."

"Guidance and affection? Are you adopting a dog? I'm excellent with pets!"

"Oh my god. Are you really that dense?" Stephanie inquired, covering her face with her hand.

Losing patience, I said: "Think larger than a dog, Arthur. A new family member is arriving who will need a godfather."

Arthur's eyes widened: "Oh! You're getting a parrot! They do need lots of care and have long lifespans!"

Stephanie, now giggling, clarified: "Not a parrot, Arthur. Think... human. Can you be that oblivious?"

Vanessa, exhaling deeply, revealed, "Arthur, we're expecting a baby. And we'd like you to be the godfather."

Arthur's expression shifted to a playful smile, "Oh! You're having a baby! Why didn't you just say so?"

Stephanie playfully tapped him on the shoulder. "You already knew?"

"Yes, but I enjoyed stringing you along," he replied.

"You jackass," Stephanie said playfully.

Arthur's expression turned serious. "Congratulations, you two! I'd be honoured to be the godfather!"

"Thanks, Arthur," Vanessa responded.

Arthur nodded. "So, when do I start practising my godfather duties? Should I buy a tiny suit and a laptop?"

I facepalmed, whispering, "Oh, Arthur..."

"And Stephanie?" Vanessa inquired.


"Will you be the godmother?"

"Of course. I'm going to spoil that little Lavens to death."

Laughter filled the diner. It was a relief not having to keep quiet about our baby any more. When Vanessa showed the ultrasound picture, Arthur had to comment that there wasn't much to see. Maybe not for him, but for me, it was the most precious thing in my life, second only to Vanessa.

And today is the day of the second ultrasound. Today, they will measure the growth of our little sprout, and we will hear the heartbeat for the first time. I've taken half a day off work, specially reserving this moment to be with Vanessa.

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