35. Shadows of Recovery.

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This morning, the home nurse is tending to my wound while Barbara is busy making breakfast. And Dave? He's either working out in his gym or already in the shower.

"Vanessa, your wound looks really nice. I think the wires will almost be removed," the nurse says, applying a new bandage.

"I have to go back to the hospital in a week," I remind her.

"Well, we'll see what the doctor says. I think you will need another week of wound care. Thereafter, you can take care of it yourself and refresh it until the wound is completely healed."

"Or my private nurse can do it for me," I quip.

"Hihi, that's an option too," she giggles.

"Vanessa, breakfast is ready," Barbara announces as she joins us in the living room. "Well, I'm off to my next patient. I'll let myself out."

"You certainly won't go outside alone. Evan goes with you," I reply, rolling my eyes.

Since my discharge from the hospital a week ago, Dave has ramped up security at home. Evan is my private bodyguard, and there are two more security guards permanently on site. Excessive measures, in my opinion. Necessary according to Dave. All I know is that I feel suffocated, trapped by these precautions.

I watch Evan help the nurse outside, then talk to the other security guards before heading back to the house. Sighing, I walk to the kitchen and look at the plate of food. The smell of fried eggs hits me, and I rush to the toilet, barely making it in time. Kneeling, I brace myself as vomit comes up, though not much.

"Oops, did you eat something wrong?" someone asks behind me.

"No, I haven't eaten anything yet," I reply, flushing the toilet and wiping my mouth. Stephanie kneels in front of me, placing her hands on my knees.

"I don't feel well all the time. The doctor said it should be gone by now."

"Ah, so. Have you scheduled an appointment yet?"

"Yes, but it's not until next week. No earlier appointments available."

"Mhm, I'll make something light for you. Eggs on an empty stomach aren't a good idea for me, either."

We head back to the kitchen, and the first thing I do is grab a glass from the cupboard. I fill it with tap water and take a few sips before sitting at the kitchen island. Barbara is emptying the dishwasher and eyeing the plate she prepared for me.

"Uh, Vanessa? Are you still going to eat the eggs?"

"No, Barbara. I think I'll skip the eggs. Stephanie will make something light for me."

"I can do that for you too."

"No problem," Stephanie replies, searching the fridge. "I want to take care of my friend. And I'll clean up here. Barbara, where's the butter?"

"In the fridge, with the toppings. If it's okay with you, I'll start ironing upstairs."

"Okay, we'll manage here, Barbara," I say.

Barbara leaves the kitchen, and Stephanie puts two sandwiches in the toaster. She turns around and looks deep into my eyes. "Are you looking forward to this evening?"

I sigh and take another sip of my water. "No, not really. My mother will definitely compare us, and I don't feel like it."

"But you're going with Dave. Your mother won't dare to say much."

"Why do you think that?"

"Hello! He's rich and super-hot. A big upgrade compared to Ryan."

"Yes, he's rich, but I don't care about that. At first, he could get the blood out from under my nails, but I would fall for him again in no time. He is so charming, sweet to me, and a beast in bed. If I may put it that way." I look at Stephanie, who grins at her fingers before looking at me, and then behind me, still grinning.

Oh no, I did it. I feel like I told all this with him right behind me.

"So, I'm a beast in bed?" Dave's voice comes, making my cheeks burn. He places a hand on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. He grins as he passes by the island and kisses Stephanie on the cheek too. They both look at me with amusement before I clear my throat.

"You're working well together, the two of you. Wait until you meet my sister ..."

"They'll be quiet. I'm sure you'll see an entirely different side of them. I have such an influence on people," Dave says confidently.

"Yes, I've noticed that," Stephanie answers sarcastically. "My best friend has never been kidnapped and attacked as many times in her life as she is now."

Dave's grin fades to a pained expression. An awkward silence follows. The toast pops up, and Stephanie plates it, smears some butter on, and hands it to me. After every hangover we've had together, she knows I only eat this with an upset stomach. "Alright, Vanessa. I'm off. I need to shop before work. Dave, see you next time."

"Mhm, yes, until next time." They kiss each other's cheeks, and Stephanie gives one more to mine. "You'll do well tonight. But I'd avoid fatty food and alcohol if I were you."

"Thank you, Doctor Stephanie," I joke.

Stephanie laughs as she leaves the kitchen. 

"Say hello to Arthur from us," Dave calls after her.

"I will," she calls back from the living room. Evan trails behind her like a shadow. You sometimes forget he's even here. Oh no, did he hear me too?

Dave sits beside me, brushing my hair back and tucking it behind my ear. He's dressed in a tight, tailored grey suit, his hair still wet from the shower, and he smells of chocolate and spices. I take a small bite of the toast, swallowing it with difficulty.

"Still not feeling well?"

"A little, but we know that my body contracted that intestinal infection because of the gunshot wound. Give it another week, it's already getting better."

"Yes, but after that week, you schedule an appointment."

"Afraid I'll lose too much weight?"

"No, just afraid you'll get sicker."

"Oh, how sweet," I say before kissing him on the lips. Dave wants more, but I poke him with my finger on his lips. "I vomited. No tongue kisses, sir."

Dave stands up and grabs a cup from the cabinet, placing it under the coffee machine. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans fills the room. Surprisingly, it doesn't trigger my nausea this time. Could I be pregnant? No, I can't be. I just had my period after the abduction.

That evening, I get ready for dinner at my sister's house. Dave and I have a weekend in Paris voucher for her. It's extravagant, but Dave insisted on arranging the gift. Next time, I'll make sure to find something myself; he shouldn't spoil my family too much.

We arrive at their new house. It's bigger than the one I shared with Ryan. We wait a while, seeing the light in the hall turn on through the front door's milk glass. The door opens, and there's Ryan.

"Vanessa, Dave, come in," he says with an icy undertone. His gaze softens as he looks at me, letting me through. Then I turn around and see the two men sharing an icy stare. Are they playing a power game, or is something else going on?

As I step inside, I recognize a few things from when we lived together. The hall cupboard we chose from Ikea and the set of three apples in different sizes that used to be on the dresser. Even though this is their new home, there are still traces of Ryan's and my past. Tonight I will have to navigate this tense dynamic and face the shadows of my past.

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