5. My first day as a housekeeper

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Yesterday afternoon, Stephanie joined me. We ventured through the small house, and as we unloaded the car, it quickly filled with moving boxes to unpack. That was the first task we completed. Afterwards, we took some time to stroll around the estate and its expansive garden. The pool was allowed under the contract, according to Stephanie, who glanced through the windows of the house.

I believe she was essentially inviting herself to use the pool. Fortunately, she wasn't permitted inside the house. Otherwise, that would likely be the next area she'd be intruding upon.

It's Monday morning, and I find myself in my new, cosy house for the first time. After a brisk shower and a fulfilling breakfast, I grab the villa keys from the key box beside my front door.

I lock up and head swiftly to the villa. The door swings open with ease, and I proceed to the cleaning supply cupboard. Inside, I check the daily to-do list tacked on the door. The focus today is on the kitchen and ironing, though the latter isn't listed. Dave, as Linda informed me, is on a business trip to America and won't be back for another week.

Firstly, I inspect everything in his refrigerator for expiration dates and discard a carton of milk that has begun to smell slightly sour. The rest should last at least another two weeks. Next, I clean the refrigerator, microwave, and the oven of the large stove. Before I realize it, the afternoon arrives. I walk over to the cottage and greet the gardener who is tending to the plants. "Hello, I'm Vanessa."

"Hello, Vanessa. I'm Bryan. Are you the new housekeeper?"

"Yes, today's my first day on the job."

"And?" he inquires, eyebrows lifted.

"It's a bit of an adjustment, but I'll manage."

"That's good. If you ever want to chat, I'm here every Monday. It can get quite solitary on this estate."

"Thank you, I'll remember that," I reply with a smile.

At noon, I enjoy my sandwich and intermittently sip my coffee while watching an episode of Friends on TV. Suddenly, a message arrives, and I open it:

Welcome to your first day as my housekeeper. I hope Linda has explained everything thoroughly, and you have a basic understanding of the contract. My apologies for not being there in person. Kind regards, Dave Lavens.

I view the message with uncertainty, pondering how to reply. I draft a response, making occasional edits before deciding to send it.

Dear Mr. Lavens, Linda has provided a very comprehensive explanation, and the contract detailed anything I was unsure about. It was indeed clear enough for me.

Best regards, Vanessa.

I set my phone aside and resume eating, but soon my phone vibrates. Glancing at it, I notice another message from my boss.

Message received.

I'll be arriving home early and will be there by Saturday morning. Please remember to get full-fat milk; the other items listed are all good.

Furthermore, just a reminder, it's Dave, not Mr. Lavens!

I can't help but laugh when I read his message; he seems to catch on to my sarcasm quickly. I respond with a brief 'okay' and then text my girlfriend to see if she's free to go shopping. Afterwards, I get back to work. By the time I finish cleaning the entire kitchen and the laundry room, it's much too late. Working as a housekeeper is definitely not what I was used to. At my previous job, I could have cleaned an entire flat in four hours. Perhaps it's just my tendency to be overly meticulous in wanting everything to be perfect.

Time seems to accelerate, and suddenly, it's Friday evening again. After cleaning all the rooms, I find there's little time for anything else. Nonetheless, everything is set for Dave's arrival. I'm concerned he might be disappointed that I got skimmed milk instead of full-fat; the last one was sold out, and I'm unsure of the budget I have. And people would wonder if I was nervous about meeting my new boss, but I still have time. The nerves are for tomorrow. Post-pizza, I indulge in a lengthy hot bath and some reading in bed, which swiftly leads to sleep. 

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