40. The babyshower

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Months follow each other in quick succession, and before I know it I am sitting here at home with a big, round belly, swollen ankles and sleepless nights because of the acid in my stomach. Barbara is busy preparing for the baby shower. She got the cake from the baker, hung up the decorations in the living room and is now busy making yet another batch of cupcakes. "Barbara, are you sure I can't help you? I'm pregnant. Not sick."

""Sorry, orders from Mr. Lavens. The doctor told you to rest and by the way... Stephanie will be here in fifteen minutes to help."

I cross my arms and sit on my chair at the kitchen table. I take a cake, remove the wrapper and stuff it in my mouth."

"Vanessa, you know these are for the party," says Barbara with the spatula in her hand. "I know, but if I'm not allowed to help. Then I'll take one. Ouch." I try to stand up, but my stomach is against me. I feel like an elephant at the moment. "I'm just going to lay down," I say, knowing that I won't be allowed to help anyway. We smile at each other, but I can't hide my disappointment.

I walk to the couch and plop down. At that moment, the doorbell rings, but before I even make a move to stand up, Barbara comes through the kitchen door, rubbing her hands in a towel and says: "I'll open the door." Not much later, Barbara is back with Stephanie and Arthur. "Hello, party animal. Ready for a great afternoon?"

"Yes, if I can help with anything. Barbara doesn't want to give me any work," I answer with a pout. "Ah, but the doctor said that you should do as little as possible," says Stephanie. "Well, as little as possible is not the same as nothing," I complain.

Stephanie and Arthur laugh. "Are you coming to the kitchen? I still have cookies that need to be decorated."

"Yes, please," I answer happily.

Hours pass and the party is in full swing. I am completely surprised at how the mothers get along so well and pamper me like I am something precious. Couldn't they have done that before? Because now it all seems so forced. My sister is also there with little Ethan but without Ryan. He had to "work" but I know better from her sombre expression and different answers to my questions they have problems. I have already unpacked many little clothes and many are guessing the gender of our baby. Dave and I know, but we keep quiet until our little baby is born. Dave is on his way here. Just like every Saturday, his morning work quickly extends into the afternoon. I have underestimated the party because the fatigue is quickly catching up with me.


My driver is waiting for me at the front of the office building. I am not really happy with the meeting running late. I want to be with my fiancé, family, and friends. 4 pm is far too late. Once in the car, I look at my mobile. Four missed calls and many messages from Vanessa, Arthur, and others at the party. I smile when I read that Vanessa immediately hid the sexy lingerie she received from Arthur and Stephanie behind her back.

Then I see another message. But this one is from an unknown number: "The meeting has run late. What a shame for you. I have to say that your wife looks very round. A bit too round in my opinion. A nice present from me was delivered. It will be a real blast if this present is not unwrapped by half past four. Greetings!"

"Blast party, what does this person mean by blast party." I look at my watch and see 16.19. I call Vanessa, but it quickly goes to voicemail. Then I try Arthur, but he doesn't answer either. When I call my father, I am lucky. "Father, is Barbara somewhere nearby?"

"Yes, she is standing here next to me."

"Hello, Mr. Lavens."

"Listen to me carefully. Has a present been delivered with an unknown sender.

"Er, yes. A fairly heavy present."

"Open it, now." I hear the tearing of paper and then the sound of someone taking a big breath of air. "A bomb," my father whispers. Then it feels like time has stood still. My breath catches and I fear the worst. "Everyone out, there's a bomb," Barbara screams. Soon I hear a lot of screaming on the other end of the line. I'm only a few minutes away from my house, but I order my driver to drive faster. I look at my watch. 16:29. "Fuck, fuck." The screaming can still be heard and then the sound of a loud bang before a busy signal is heard. I look out the window and a large plume of smoke can be seen from where my house is. My wife, baby, friends, and family are all in danger or dead.

And I'm too late to say goodbye to them. When the car pulls into the driveway, my house is in flames. Many people are there, but no one can see Vanessa.

As I leap out of the car, the heat from the flames hits me like a wall. My heart is pounding so loudly it drowns out the surrounding cacophony. Neighbors and friends are gathered, their faces masks of shock and fear. Emergency vehicles crowd the street, their lights flashing in the gathering dusk.

"Vanessa!" I scream, my voice hoarse and desperate. "Vanessa!"

People are shouting, but it's all a blur. I push past anyone in my way, my sole focus on finding my fiancé. The smell of smoke and burning wood fills the air, making it challenging to breathe.

A firefighter grabs my arm, pulling me back. "Sir, you need to stay back!"

"My fiancée, friends, and family are in there!" I shout, struggling against his grip. "I have to find them!"

"Dave!" I hear a voice behind me and turn to see Arthur, his face pale and streaked with soot. "Dave, over here!"

I rush to him, my heart in my throat. "Where's Vanessa? Where is she?"

Arthur's eyes are filled with tears. "She was inside, but they got most people out. We haven't found her yet."

My knees nearly buckle, but I force myself to stay upright. "What do you mean "most people"? Who"s missing?"

Before Arthur can answer, another explosion rocks the house, sending us sprawling to the ground. I cover my head, the sound ringing in my ears.

When I look up, the house is engulfed in even more flames. My mind races, consumed with fear and guilt. I was supposed to protect her. To be there for her.

A paramedic rushes over to us. "Are you okay?"

"No, we"re not okay!" I snap. "My fiancée is in there. Pregnant. You have to find her!"

The paramedic looks grim but nods, turning back to coordinate with the firefighters. I pull myself to my feet, feeling utterly helpless.

Minutes stretch into hours as the rescue operation continues. Each moment is an eternity. I"m vaguely aware of people trying to comfort me, but their words are hollow, meaningless.

Finally, as the fire begins to subside, a firefighter emerges from the house, carrying someone in his arms. My heart leaps into my throat as I recognize the form.

"Vanessa!" I cry, running towards them.

The firefighter lays her gently on a stretcher. She"s unconscious, her face smudged with soot, but she"s breathing. Tears of relief blur my vision as I kneel beside her, clutching her hand.

"She"s alive," the paramedic says, checking her vitals. "We need to get her to the hospital, now."

As they load her into the ambulance, I climb in beside her, refusing to let go of her hand. Arthur stands at the back of the ambulance, his face a mix of relief and concern.

"We"ll follow you," he says, nodding towards his car where Melissa and Stephanie are waiting.

I nod, unable to speak. As the ambulance speeds towards the hospital, I stroke Vanessa"s hair, whispering words of love and reassurance.

"You"re safe now," I murmur. "We"re going to be okay."

But even as I say the words, a nagging fear gnaws at me. Someone did this. Someone tried to kill my family. And until I find out who, we"ll never truly be safe.

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