37. Two Pink Stripes

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A few weeks had flown by since I returned to work, each day more exhausting than I had anticipated. Dave insisted I take one day a week off to rest, arranging his schedule so he could manage without me. This Thursday was my first day off, and with Dave gone an hour earlier, I finally had the house to myself. I nestled into the sofa, savouring a cup of warm coffee and getting lost in a novel when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Barbara's voice echoed from the hallway.

Moments later, she appeared with Stephanie in tow. Stephanie always brought a whirlwind of energy, and today was no exception.

"Hey, everything okay?" she asked, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, everything's fine. How about you?" I replied, standing up to hug her.

"Got a little something for you," Stephanie said, her grin widening as she handed me a bag.

"Thanks!" I said, peeking inside. My smile vanished when I saw two pregnancy tests. "Stephanie, why are you giving me these?"

Her laughter rang out, filling the room. "Because you've been nauseous for over a month. Isn't it worth checking?"

I stared at the boxes, my mind racing. "We were careful. It can't be, unless..." My voice trailed off, memories flooding back. We had been intimate without condoms before my kidnapping, but I'd been on the pill. The chances seemed slim, but was it impossible?

"I—I don't know," I sighed. "We were together the day before my abduction. There's a chance, but I've had some bleeding since then."

"Was it normal?"

"Not really. It lasted only two days and was barely anything. I thought it was stress."

We sat in silence for a moment. Stephanie turned on the TV while I nervously fiddled with one of the boxes. She glanced at it, then back at me.

"You know, it won't hurt to test," she said with a casual shrug.

I looked into her eyes, feeling my nerves intensify.

"Fine," I sighed. "But you're not watching me pee on the stick," I added playfully.

I hurried to the bathroom, anxiety knotting my stomach as I opened the packages. The anticipation of taking a pregnancy test turned the wait into an endless saga. It was as if my bladder had a sixth sense, aware of the impending moment. At last, I made my way back to the living room, pregnancy testers at the ready.

"Got any updates?" Stephanie inquired, glancing up from her phone.

"Just laid them out," I replied, setting them face down on the table.

"How much more waiting?"

"Only six minutes to go."

"Okay, so now we wait. What if you really are pregnant?" she whispered, her curiosity palpable.

"I don't know. We haven't seriously talked about kids yet. I want them, and I know he does too. But now? What if he's not ready?"

"Are you?"

I wiped my clammy hands on my pants, looking at her for an answer she couldn't give me.

"Vanessa, it's time," she whispered softly.

My nerves danced as we locked eyes in silence.

"The tests won't check themselves," she teased, nudging me.

"I can't! You do it," I insisted, covering my eyes with trembling hands.

"Alright, here we go," Stephanie said, leaning closer. "Vanessa..." Her voice pulled me out of my anxiety.

"What?" I asked, peeking through my fingers.

"I'm going to be a godmother!" she exclaimed, her excitement contagious.

My heart raced as I removed my hands from my face, staring at the unmistakable two pink stripes on each test. "Oh my god, I'm going to be a mother!" I exclaimed. I had to tell Dave. Without a second to waste, I grabbed my phone and called him.

"Hey, Vanessa. Everything okay?" he answered on the third ring.

"No, I need you to come home as soon as possible. I..."

"Sorry, I've got to head back. My secretary will take care of the rest. I'll be there..." The line went dead, leaving me wrestling with nerves.

"Oh my god. This is really happening. I have to tell him about this little creature in my belly," I said anxiously.

"You don't have to be afraid. He'll welcome the news with open arms, I promise," Stephanie said softly, her tone calming me. She placed her hands on mine, looking deeply into my eyes. "Dave loves you, and he'll love this baby too."

"I hope so."

"I know."

With the tests hidden away in a drawer, I pretended to watch TV as I anxiously awaited Dave's return. Minutes crawled by until he burst into the room, worry etched on his face. "Is everything alright?" he asked, flopping down beside me, his arm resting on the headrest behind me.

"I haven't been feeling well since my injuries," I began, fidgeting with my jumper. "Stephanie and I did something crazy and... it was positive."

"What's positive?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Nervously, I stood up, retrieved the testers from the drawer, and handed them to him. Silence stretched as his eyes fixed on the two sticks.

"Dave..." I finally broke the stillness.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked, disbelief in his voice.

"Yes," I confirmed, my heart racing.

"But we were careful. How can this...?" His voice trailed off, concern swirling around us.

"You don't want this baby?"

His silence made my heart sink deeper.

"If this is—"

Before I could finish my worst-case scenario speech, he kissed me fiercely, dissolving my worries for a brief moment.

"Oh, Vanessa. You don't know how happy this news makes me," he finally exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Really?" I asked, surprised and elated. "I thought you wouldn't accept it."

"Why wouldn't I? This is the greatest news," he declared, placing a gentle hand on my abdomen and kissing me again softly before pulling me into a warm embrace.

Just as the room filled with happiness, a wave of nausea hit me. I pushed him away, clutching my stomach. "Uh-oh, not again," I murmured, bolting to the bathroom just in time.

Dave's worried expression greeted me when I emerged, and with a weak smile, I flushed the remnants away. "Definitely pregnant," I managed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I have vomit breath," I warned.

"It doesn't matter," he replied, kissing my forehead before resting his chin atop my head. As I sank into his comforting embrace, I felt a swell of joy, knowing he truly embraced this new chapter of our lives.

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