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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE RAIN SOFTLY DRIZZLED on the window. The texture of the gentle heated fuzzy blanket soothed the teens skin.

Now it's starting to feel like fall.

Mariana thought to herself. The young girl cuddled up on her couch.

"Hey sweetie." A voice said from the ibis. "Whats up dad!" The girl smiled at his presence.

"I have to go out for dinner for business, I won't be back until 1am or even later. Will you be good?" Johnny asked.

"Yea dad, don't even worry about it." Mariana smiled, she really didn't mind. She just wished her dad had more time for her.

"I'm going to leave in about... 20 minutes!" He said as he walked up the stairs to catch a shower.

The girl pulled out her phone to film a tiktok video, she readjusted her hair, and fixed up her makeup.

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  1.3mil views|984k likes/ 65k comments

1st week of October is going great😁
🎶 paper soldier- Brent Faiyaz

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so fine

my day was ruined when i saw this vid
my life was ruined the day you were born

hello beautiful
liked by creator

your so cute
literally you

delete your tiktok account
ok brat

THE GIRL LAID ON HER COUCH, the sound of Gilmore girls coming from her TV

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THE GIRL LAID ON HER COUCH, the sound of Gilmore girls coming from her TV. A notification had been set off.

Reminders: audition in 2 days.

How could she forgot, she hadn't done anything to prepare. The girl quickly got up, to find at least a script to practice.

 The girl quickly got up, to find at least a script to practice

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writer speaks...
SUPER SHORT CHAPTER, next one will be more interesting! This chapter was to understand mariana a little more!!:)

walker scobell, and mason thames fanfic on page!

edited version 001.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now