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       stay with me

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stay with me . / brady noon

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE door shut, the sound of the outside traveled through the air for a spilt second. But then door closed it vanished. Mariana sat on the kitchen counter, her dad was leaving for day. He would be back around 10am tomorrow.

Mariana had invited Brady over to sleepover, did her dad knew he was coming over? No. He said no one over for the day. Brady didn't knew he said no guests.

About 1 hour after her dad left, she got a knock at the door. She knew it was brady since he texted her she here. He always do that, so Mariana doesn't think it's a stalker. The door creaked open.

"hey mariana!" The boy walked in, and gave her a kiss.

"Hey bray!!" She looked at his hand noticing my the bag full of his items.

"I got some stuff and snacks!!" He lifted up his bag.

"Great we have no snacks whatsoever."

"What do you wanna do?" She asked.

"Well.. we can't do much outside." The boy looked outside to the gloomy rainy weather.

"How about we binge watch a movie trilogy!" She suggested.

"Ok what trilogy?" He said while they walked upstairs to her bedroom.

"Before sunset trilogy, The hangover, and hunger games! Those are the options pick one!" She opened the door to her bedroom.

"I have seen everyone but before sunset trilogy. I heard it's pretty good! Let's watch that one!" He suggested while he put his backpack down on her floor.

"Alright! Perfect!"

They layed on her bed. Marianas head rested on brady's chest. Brady's had one arm on her chest, and the other one running his hands through her hair.

"They are so cute." She commented on the part they kiss.

"They are cute, but we are cuter!" He smiled, and put a small kiss on her forehead.

They were very lazy teens, they sat inside all day watching movies. they made some cookies too. but thats it. Before they realized it was 1am. Both them were asleep. they were wrapped each other, in hugging position sleeping.

ding. ding. ding.

The girl woke up at the sound of the ringing. she saw sunlight come from her window. Brady was now laying on her chest, while Marianas arm was over him. They must have moved a lot when sleeping.

She softly reached for her phone.

9:56 AM

IMESSAGE: new message from dad
             view message

Her dad would be back in less then 5 minutes, she quickly pushed view message. Her dad was around the corner.

"Brady get up get up!" She nudged the boy.

"What, what's wrong!" He quickly got up thinking something is wrong.

"my dad is coming get up!" She pushed the boy.

"What's the problem? Your dads knows im here."He repileed.

The girl stared at him, with a face. A face that showed she was lying.

"Oh no.. you didn't tell him?" He quickly got up. He quickly grabbed everything and stuffed it into his bag.

He tripped over his feet running down the stairs. He had his hand on the doorknob, then it opened but not from him. He hid behind the door.

"sweetie!" The guy from the door called.

"Oh hey dad.." She repileed, trying to make her dad focus on her. Brady was hiding behind the door. If he looked back he would see him.

"I have a surprise!" She grabbed her dad's hand and pulled him. "Wow chill!"

He left when he wasn't looking. it was a close one.

 it was a close one

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i met this cool guy @REALBRADYNOON

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■ Writer speaks...
also in the insta photo pretend that isn't a vape!!

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