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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE THREE GIRLS TOOK photos in the rain for their instagrams.

"Turn a bit Mariana," Sophia adjusted Mariana's pose.

The girl grabbed her phone, and scanned the photos. "I'm for sure posting these on instagram."

"To impress bradyyy!!" Xochilt mocked the girl.

"Shut up!" She nudged the girls shoulder. "Anyway, I want people to edit these photos because they are eating!!!" She chuckled a bit.


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we r in chicago💐🪸

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oh shit hey there 🤭🤭
hey brady😵‍💫😵‍💫
what the frick is this
they r fs dating
oh my god ship
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u r so cute
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u r so fine please pick me
literally you

get blocked weirdo!!
finally i don't have to see your posts

wow so gorgeous
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THE three girls sat at the child's playground, just ranting

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THE three girls sat at the child's playground, just ranting.

11:38 PM

The phone gleamed. "Damn it's low key late!" Xochilt added.

"Did you guys see brady's comment on my post?" Mariana asked the two girls. "Yes!! He for sure likes you!!!" Sophia nudged Mariana.

"Im not sure! I can't do this !! " Mariana sighed. "Like we talk, but not like flirting.. so not sure."

"We should set up a date xochilt, like we tell him and Mariana to go get something just themselves!!" Sophia looked at xochilt.

"Oh my gosh yess! Like we tell them go get some groceries, only them though wouldn't that be so good?" Xochilt added.

"Stop I feel like that would be awkward." Mariana said to the girls plan.

"Not really, you and brady both just rant and yap. So you would have plenty of things to talk about." Sophia added.

"Well... That's true. I have to think about it!!" Mariana said.

walker scobell, and mason thames fanfic on page!

edited version 005.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now