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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE GIRL APPLIED HER LIPGLOSS in the mirror, as her and Brady were going on a date. Nothing much was planned, they didn't have to film tomorrow.

"you ready?" The boy asked grabbing his coat from the hanger.

"all done." She sealed up the lipgloss, brady grabbed her by her waist and they walked out the door.

"where shall we go." The boy said confused.

"pick up a slice of pizza and walk around?"

"perfect idea pretty." Brady pulled the girl in closer as the two walked.

the two arrived at the pizza place. Getting an order for two pepperoni slices, and cokes.

"here you go." the man said working handing the two the slices.

they went outside to a bench connecting to the restaurant. Propped up, eating their slices.

Mariana hated pepperoni but brady loved extra. So she would get pepperoni, take it off and give it to brady.

the girl rested her head on his shoulder, as she finished her slice when the boy was still eating.

The boy passed her his crust, as he hated the crust but she loved it. She nibbled on it as brady cleaned his hands.

"what do you want to next mar?" He questioned his girlfriend. The girl shrugged as she bundled up under his arms.

"well, we have to go somewhere..." he whispered in her ear gently, making the girl tingle at the sound.

"i saw a cute bookshop, maybe we can check it out?" She looked up at him for approval. Even if he didn't want to go , he still would to make her happy.

"of course mar, where is it?" He played with the ends of her hair, as the girl opened maps.

"like 8 minute walk.." She slowly got up, the boy latched to her arm followed her.

The two giggled, and chatted about their lives. Even though they talk all the time, they never ran out of stuff to talk about.

finally they stumbled across the book store. It was very cute, and cozy. Not like a barnes and noble, but something more local.

The two walked in, checking out each book. "Sofia Coppola archive .. i love it." The girl said flipping through each page.

"look at this photography book." He scanned through the pages the girl walking up joining him.

"its pretty.. oh that's one is super sick." She pointed to the picture of a meadow and a girl running.

"do you want that one?" brady asked staring at the book that said sofia coppola archive .

"i mean.. kind of yes." She stratched the top of her head, as the boy grabbed her hand and headed to check out.

Of course, mariana offered to paid but brady wouldn't let her. He carried the bag for her, walked on the outside of the sidewalk , latched onto her waist.

He did everything to make her comfortable with him. They walked and walked. Not heading for anything in particular. Not knowing where they are going.

they stumbled across a familiar place. The place where they had their first kiss together.

it was a isolated playground next the Chicago river. they kissed on the swing-set. But this time they decided to sit on the bench.

Mariana layed across the bench, her head on brady's lap. Brady softly stroked her hair looking down at the girl on him.

"you are the prettiest girl i ever seen."

brady said out of the blue. They were talking about europe, but he still said it.

"you are the most handsome boy i ever seen." she replied in the same tone.

The boy leaned his head, down landing a soft gentle kiss on the girls lip. Mariana slowly started to get up, leaning more in the kiss.

Brady broke apart from the touch of their lips, he stared at the girls eyes.

"i love you mariana."

"i love you brady."

writer speaksLAST CHAPTER of this book😭 check out my walker scobell fic!

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writer speaks
LAST CHAPTER of this book😭 check out my walker scobell fic!

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now