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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE TRENS SAT AT THE table eating breakfast. breakfast. Mariana avoided eye contact from brady.

"Halloweekend is 2 days" Malachi realized.

"Oh my gosh im so excited i can't wait!!" Sophia said from the other side of the table.

"What are you guys going to be?" Mason asked.

"Well for halloweekend we plan a bunch of costumes!" Mariana said.

"Did you think Mila would let us throw a party?" Mason asked while he washed his plate.

"I hear she is suppose to be visiting her husband this weekend. She does have a toddler that wants to celebrate halloween." Xochitl added.

"I forgot she's a mom, and has a 3 year daughter." Brady chuckled at the fact.

"Same, so if she leaves we can throw a party." Malachi added.

"I would like to, but if we get caught like we're in big trouble." Sophia said .

"We won't get caught, she will be gone."

2 days later

Brady and Mariana have yet to talk. Maybe today they will talk. They are throwing a party for halloweekend. It's a good chance to talk, it would be nice. Mariana was never good with making firsts moves, so she thought brady would.

 Mariana was never good with making firsts moves, so she thought brady would

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THE SOUND OF LOUD MUSIC filled the air, people were yelling, drinking, singing, and much more

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THE SOUND OF LOUD MUSIC filled the air, people were yelling, drinking, singing, and much more. Mariana stood as she watched brady go around and talk to other girls.

does he not like me anymore, did i do something wrong?

She suddenly felt tons of emotions drop on. Mariana fast-walked into her room where it was quiet.

She couldn't cry over brady, I mean she liked him a lot. But maybe he wasn't worth his tears. He was walking to other girls already?

knock. knock. knock.

The girl got up quick to check who is knocking on the door. She slightly opened it to see who is there.

it was brady.

■ writer speaks

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writer speaks...
GIRLS GOING ALL OUT FOR halloween, little cliffhanger!!

walker scobell and mason thames fanfiction on page!

edited version 012.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now