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       stay with me

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stay with me . / brady noon

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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"Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god yes!" The girl leaped into his arms hugging him.

"Oh damn I thought you were going to say no." He responded.

"I was going to say Fuck no, as a joke but I thought that would be mean." She giggled as she hugged him.

"Yea that would probably make me cry! But im happy you said yes!!" He smiled.

"I'm happy you asked me, I didn't know if you were gonna ask. "

The two teens sat in the bench holding one another.

WHEN they returned home, she ran into to her room to tell her best friends the good news

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WHEN they returned home, she ran into to her room to tell her best friends the good news.

"Hey you're excited!" Sophia saw her smiling big.

"He asked guys! He asked me to be his girlfriend!" She yelped still trying to keep quiet.

"your joking!" Xochilt shoot up from her bed shocked.

"No way!" Sophia jumped into the girls arm, Xochilt followed her. The two girls hugging their best friends at the achievement.

THE next morning, everyone in the complex knew about their dating

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THE next morning, everyone in the complex knew about their dating. So of course, mason and malachi teased them. Whilst Sophia and Xochilt supported them.

It was rainy outside today, and very cold. All the teens cuddled up on the couch binge watching horror movies.

Brady and Mariana in each others arms, in the corner of the couch.

Suddleny the front door opened, all the teens quickly looked behind them. It was just Mila.

"Hey kids! Hey brady and Mariana;)" She waved to them.

"You scared us!" Sophia said.

"Scared who? I'm very tough." Malachi flexed his muscles.

"I can officially say.. you guys are done filming! Your flight leaves in 2 days!!" She smiled.

All of them on the couch didn't smile, for that means it wouldn't be the same. I mean they all still lived in New york but like nothing would be the same.

They would all have to go back in person for school, no more all nighters, late grocery runs, movies all night, gossiping sessions.

"Guys it's gonna be good, anyway we get rebooted in Middle of November! So we will be back in 2 weeks!"

Some smiles came from the kids after hearing that's news.

"Well, I'm going to leave seems like I ruined the mood bye kids!"

"Well damn, cherish the moments we have!" Brady was about to hit unpause.

"Let's not finish the movie, can we go to the park?" Mariana asked.

"But it's raining." Mason added.

"That's what makes it fun! Wet slides and stuff." Mariana said.

"Yea guys, for our finals days let's do something fun."

They got up, and put thermals and coats on. They walked on the door and headed to the nearby playground. Which obviously no one was at.

They played tag in the rain, used the swings , slipped down the wet slide. They may have gotten sick but who cares?

 They may have gotten sick but who cares?

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■ Writer speaks...
im gonna add some conflict so be prepared

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now