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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE GIRL AROSE FROM HER sleep, it was 5am. Today was the first day of filming.

"Xochilt, Sophia.. let's get up."

"We're already awake, get up Mariana." Xochilt said fully clothed.

Mariana rubbed her eyes, and got up after she realized she was pretty late to get ready.

"Children!!" Mila entered the complex. "Chop, Chop we have .. 10 minutes before we leave!"

"We are ready, just waiting for mariana!!" Mason emphasized.

"What I'm ready?" Mariana stumbled out her room.

THE CAST RODE IN THE BUS, headed to set which was about 30 minutes away

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THE CAST RODE IN THE BUS, headed to set which was about 30 minutes away.

Brady had one airpod in, and Mariana had the other one. They were listening to sza. Leaning against each other.

The 4 other teens sat in the back, while Mila was upfront.

"Well arent they just cute." Malachi mocked them from afar. 

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now