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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THEY ARRIVED TO THE place where they would live when filming. Since they didn't live around here They had a small house. 2 bedrooms, both with one bunk bed and one twin size bed.

It was pretty cute and cozy, Mila was staying in the complex over. So the teenagers had the whole house to themselves. Was it a good idea? No.

Xochitl, Sophie, And Mariana shared one room, when the boys had the others. Mariana had top bunk, Xochitl bottom bunk and Sophia on the twin size bed.

The teens sat around the small dining table, candles were lit on the counters. Rain dripped softly outside. If all the teens were silent, they could hear the Train.


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STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now