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       stay with me

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stay with me . / brady noon

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE GIRL HUGGED HER dad goodbye, as she walked into the airport.

"Bye sweetheart I love you be safe!" Johnny smiled.

"Mariana!" A woman's voice called.

"Mila hi!!" Mariana ran up and gave her a hug. "We have to go to a special section since we are flying private." The agent said when chewing on a bagel.

"Hey Mariana!"  A voice said.

"Hi Brady!" The teenagers connected arms. "Well, everyone else is on the plane. We were the last to arrive." Brady said.

"Mariana, This Brady. Brady this is Mariana." Mila introduced them.

"Mila.. We were in a movie together, we know each other. " The girl chuckled.

"Oh yes, I forgot." The middle aged woman said.

"Why are you so tall now, I use to look down on you." Mariana looked up and down.

"You look so different too, like you are very pretty.. I mean you were pretty back then but like now you - never mind you get my point. " The boy awkwardly smiled. 

"Well, here is the plane. Watch your steps please I'm not trying to have any accidents." Mila announced.

THE THREE TEENAGE GIRLS sat in the front of the plane, whilst the boys sat in the back

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THE THREE TEENAGE GIRLS sat in the front of the plane, whilst the boys sat in the back.

"Did you see Brady, he looks so different.. like glow up what the hell." Mariana said.

"Literally, I saw photos of when he is a kid." Sophie added.

"Did you notice the way he looked at you." Xochitl winked at Mariana, then did a fake kiss.

The teen almost spit out her coffee. "Xochitl shut up, I can't and besides he looks at everyone that way." Mariana wiped the coffee off her mouth.

"If your name is everyone then yes, but literally it is just you.." Xochitl laughed at the thought of Brady liking Mariana.

"Xochilt I'm going to kill -" A voice had cut her off.

"Heys guy, I'm just going to grab a coffee." Brady walked over to the coffee station.

"Oh shit Mar, why is there coffee all over here." Brady asked when laughing.

mar? that's a new nickname. It's cute I like it.

"Mar.. What type of nickname is that?" Sophie chuckled.

"I think it's cute what do you mean!" Mariana nudged Sophie.

"Most likely 10x times better than the nickname you created her." Brady flipped Sophie off.

"Well our nickname is still better.. so don't even." Xochitl nudged Brady into the wall.

"You guys don't even have a nickname for me, At least Brady tried!" Mariana smiled at the boy.

"See, that's proof I'm a better friend than you guys." The boy smiled at Mariana.

plane is now landing, please stay seated and have your seatbelt fastened.

plane is now landing, please stay seated and have your seatbelt fastened

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writer speaks...
THIS IS SO CUTE IM GOING BACK and editing every chapter, i miss the days were i use to write and update. I'm working on a walker scobell fan-fiction, so i'll have something else to work on.

walker scobell, and mason thames fanfic on page!

edited version 003.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now