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       stay with me

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stay with me . / brady noon

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE TWO TEENS SAT ON A BOAT, since they were in Chicago they had to do a boat tour.

"Wow look at that building!" Mariana pointed to the one with beautiful architecture.

The sound of the water flowing, train going, chatter, cars honking filled the air.

The boy took a sip of his arizona. "Yea, the buildings here are pretty beautiful."

We will be turning back around!! The ride will end in 15 minutes.

The speaker blasted the sound

"What should we do next?" Mariana asked.

"Wanna go eat or like.. shop?" The boy answered.

"Oh yea!!"

They walked by each other, every now and then going into a cute little shop. "Oh my god, can we go in?" Mariana asked while admiring the build.

"yea for sure." The boy responded looking at the building letters : BRANDY MELVILLE

Other teenager girls filled throughout the store. When people noticed them coming into the store they all wanted a picture.

"Oh my god, Mariana can we get a picture and brady too?" One girl, said when others flooded around.

Mariana scanned the store looking for clothes, but it was hard she couldn't even move considering the people swarmed around her.

She finally checked out after the cashier was freaking out, Mariana wasn't yelling at the fans, she just smiled and stayed quiet.

New alerts: Brady noon and Mariana depp dating?

News alert: Johnny depps daughter has a boyfriend?

News alert: Brady noon and Mariana Depp found dating.

News alert: Mariana depp has a boyfriend!!

"Oh my god, Its only been .. 20 minutes." More notifications filled the girls screen.

"Yea it's pretty annoying, like we arent dating yet!" The boy said jokingly but deep down inside he wasn't joking;)

"Literally, like at least let us get married first!" The girl went along with his sarcasm.

4 new messages from : willy wonka/dad

4 new messages from : willy wonka/dad

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why did i just get some much new notifications
from the damn news channel???

MEoh hey dad im doing good thanks for asking😁and its js false information we arent dating !

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oh hey dad im doing good thanks for asking😁
and its js false information we arent dating !

well that photo seems pretty real ??

its js sacrasam
the photo doesn't mean anything
he was js driving and  my friends told us to
pose like that as a JOKE
don't get mad please😭😭

he seems like a good kid
it's just u should have told me
you guys were dating


mhmh. anyway if u speak abt it
use wise words and i love you!!

  i love you!!

 ME     i love you!!AND WE ARENT DATING

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writer speaks...
WE LOVE WILLY WONKA , also i mention brandy meville so much in this book... i think something is wrong with me!

walker scobell, and mason thames fanfic on page!

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now