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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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MARIANA was in the kitchen, making some avocado toast. Everyone else was out grocery shopping, since she woke up late. Well she thought everyone was out grocery shopping..

The girl heard a door creak open, since everyone was gone she assumed it was a robber . Mariana quickly grabbed the kitchen knife, and peeked around the corner.

It was just brady.

"Mariana what's wrong?" He quickly came over after seeing the girl in distress.

"I thought everyone left, thought someone was in the house." She responded calming herself down.

"Well that's true, but why would they be inside the house already?" He giggled a little bit.

"Maybe they snuck in when I was sleeping, I woke up like 5 minutes ago. You are definitely first to get killed in the horrors movies." She nudged his shoulder.

"I see how it is!" The teens both started giggling.

"You want some?" She asked as she cut open the avocado.

"Nah, im good thanks for asking though."

"Yea of course." She responded.

"So mar I have a question?"

"Yea, what's up!" Mariana spread the avocado against the toast.

"Well, would you like to go out for dinner tonight. As a date." He asked looking down.

"Yea sure! I'll be happy to go!" The girl smiled.

"Oh really?" He asked again.

"Yes, I'm down! It seems fun!" She reassured him she could tell he was nervous.

"Great! So there's this nice restaurant like couple blocks from here, called *****." He added.

"Oh yes, heard that one was suppose to be very good! I'm excited brady thanks for asking!" She grabbed her avocado toast and headed back to her room.


The two teens walked side by side. They were heading to the restaurant.

"I think it's right around the corner." The boy pointed.

"Yea right here." The building illuminated, it was very fancy.

"Reservation for Brady Noon." The woman said handing them menus and leading them to their seats.

"What are you going to get?"

"Probably .. the Penni Pasta." She responded pointing to it.

"Im going to get that too!" Brady said.

The two teens talked on and on. But random stuff.

"Are you going to film anything after this?" Brady asked.

"Like.. after we filming the show?" She was confused about the question.

"Yea, like after we finish filming the show. Go home, do you have anything to film?" He added on.

"Yep! I got a role as Priscilla... well in the movie Priscilla." She said. "And you, any movies?" She asked.

"Well, I have to film this movie in Late november called Family switch. It's a christmas movie." he added.

"Awe that's cute!" She said as she finished up her pasta.

"You ready to go?" He asked when noticing she was finished eating.

They got up, and Brady paid at the front desk.

"So what now.." Mariana asked she thought brady was gonna ask her to be his girlfriend, so she was dissatisfied.

"Wanna go to there Japanese Botanical Garden?" He asked.

"Yes I love that place!" The two teens started walking in that directions.

Since it was 10pm, no one was there. But it's open for 24 hours. They walked throughout the park, it was very pretty. Cherry blossoms trees and the water glistened at the moonlight.

They sat down on a bench, watching the water, and cherry blossoms leafs fall off the cherry blossom tree. Even though they were in a big city, it was very quiet in the Garden.


"Yes Brady?"

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

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■ Writer speaks...
cliffhanger!  But it's whatever! (Also for the movie Priscilla idk any other ones that were made recently and i literally js watched it)

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now