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       stay with me

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stay with me . / brady noon

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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THE TWO TEENS WALKED by each other, it was the same day of the scandal with the news... but that wasnt going to stop them from hanging out.

9:30 pm

The girls phone said. "Well there isn't much to do considering the time."

They came across a big building, illuminating light.


The building glimmered in big blocky letters.

"Wanna go to the cinema?" The girl asked.

"That's a great idea, it will be warm and we wouldn't have to run around." Brady responded.

"What movie should we watch, they are showing a bunch of halloween movies."

"Well, Hopeful they still have showtimes. "Mariana said.

The posters filled in the walls of the movie they are showing. "Wanna watch SMILE, they are still showing it." Brady pointed to the poster.

"Yea sure, let's get the tickets."

MARIANA FLINCHED AT the jump-scare Brady tried to reassure her but placing his arm around her

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MARIANA FLINCHED AT the jump-scare Brady tried to reassure her but placing his arm around her.

"I didn't know the movie would be this scary." She whispered , fear filled throughout her eyes.

"Yea, it is scary that one scene kind of got me."

The girl rested her head on his chest.

"AHHH!" A voice in front of them yelped at the final scene. The lights turned on, as people got up and left the cinema.

Mariana and Brady walked back to the apartment, It was fairly cold. The girl shivered at the breeze. "You looking a little cold." The boy said whilst he walked.

"Goosebumps all around!!"

"You want my jacket, I'm wearing two!" The boy pointed to his multiple layers.

"Oh you don't have to do that. I'm good we will be home in like 10 minutes."

"No I insist." Brady said as he took off his puffer and passed it to the girl. She put it on, her goosebumps fading away from the touch of the thermal.

"Well here we are!!" The girl said as they stand in front of the complex.

"Here we are." They walked up to the door. Opened it quickly trying not to wake the others. No one was in the living room, or kitchen so they were probably just in the bedrooms.

"Goodnight brady!" She waved as she opened the door to her bedroom.

"MARIANA!!" The two girls shot up and hugged her.

"I only been gone for a couple hours!!"

"Oh my god, we saw everything! What is happening between you and brady?" Xochilt asked as she did her skincare for bed.

"Well nothing yet, I want something to happen we are just.. friends for now that are flirty!!"

"What did you guys even do?" Sophia questioned the girl as she layed in her bed.

"Well, we got breakfast then we went on a boat ride which was beautiful! Then we went shopping that's when all the News stuff happened. After that.. we got some food and watched a movie!"

"Seems like quite the day." Xochilt winked and giggled.

"Yea, I'm tired now.. I'm heading to bed we have to film tomorrow either way!"

 I'm heading to bed we have to film tomorrow either way!"

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writer speaks...
SOME OF THE STUFF I WROTE before was so cringe... good things the new-readers are here for the better part!!

walker scobell, and mason thames fanfic on page!

edited version 008.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now