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       stay with me

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       stay with me .            /             brady noon
@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

            /             brady noon@JULESFOREVA                                (2023)

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MARIANA FROZE AT THE SIGHT of brady, what was he doing at the door.

"Hey brady what's up?" She said not opening the door fully.

"I want to talk with you." He said as he pushed the door open. The girl was surprised he just let himself in.

"Are you good?" She stared at the red cup in his hand.

"Yes, im not drunk." Brady added.

"So .. im listening?" Mariana said.

"Why haven't you talked to me." He said in a very firm voice, not losing eye contact.

"Excuse me, what? You were just talking to like 50billion others girls." Mariana chuckled in a jerk way.

"Because you started talking to 2 guys!" Brady added.

"Yes brady.. 2 guys! And I was talking to them for 3 seconds they just need help around the house, so why were you talking to like 15 girls!" She asked.

"Maybe because i saw you talking to the guys, and I wanted to make you jealous!" He talked angrily.

"Chill.. it's good. And i was only helping the guys, i was also helping girls. "

"Why don't you like me?" Brady said changing his tone to angry to sad.


"Why don't you like me, I haven't did anything wrong. I took you out, I made sure you were comfortable, I gave you kiss for which you agreed on.. so why don't you just like me back." The boys voice cracked in each word.

"Brady, I do like you. I just don't make first moves... and I just get confused with feelings really fast." Mariana added to the sentence. Finally making eye contact.

"Oh.. " The boy slowly got up after his presence felt unwanted there.

"Stay with me." Mariana grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

" Mariana grabbed his hand and pulled him back down

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writer speaks...
WRITERS BLOCK GOING crazyyyy.... help im a funny person I just don't know how to make people funny in text.

|me saying im a funny person is a lie.|

walker scobell and mason thames fanfiction on page.

edited version 013.

STAY WITH ME.| BRADY NOONWhere stories live. Discover now