Chapter 2

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Up a flight of slick concrete steps, a young girl went up to the second floor of her apartment building. Aurora, having recently transplanted herself to Seattle in pursuit of her education at the University of Washington, found her life entangled in the unpredictable threads of the city. Just two weeks into her relocation, she had already weathered more rain and sleet than she'd ever experienced in her Utah hometown.

The Pacific Ocean, which initially drew her to this corner of the country, seemed elusive, overshadowed by the wild animals prowling the parking lots at her work and home, and the pervasive gloom of cloudy winter days. Her expectations of Seattle, shaped by movies and urban fantasies, crumbled in the face of the stark reality she encountered. The once-magical portrayal of cityscapes transformed into a challenging maze, with city folk proving to be a breed apart from the rural community she left behind.

Today marked her third day on the job at a local grocery store, where a ten-hour shift exposed her to the relentless mixture of sleet and rain. Running carts through the parking lot, Aurora battled not only the elements but also the physical toll of the day's challenges. The transition from a small town to the bustling city of Seattle was proving more difficult than she had anticipated. Her vision of the metropolitan experience was shattered against the unyielding surfaces of reality.

As she approached her fraying apartment door, her fatigue manifested in unsteady steps on the black ice stairs. Her worn-out sneakers clung to her sore feet, adding to her burdens. The journey of adaptation had just begun for Aurora, and the city, with its unpredictable climate and demanding pace, seemed determined to test her resilience.

She stuck her key in the door and the lock reluctantly turned. Upon prying open the door of her apartment, Aurora was met with an immediate assault on her senses. The stale air hung heavy, infused with the musty scent of decades-long neglect. Her eyes scanned the linoleum entryway, revealing a floor marred by the haphazard footprints of indifferent maintenance. A thin layer of grime seemed to cling to every surface, and the unwashed scent of the carpet made her stomach turn.

She had intended to lay down a rug earlier that morning, a futile attempt to inject a semblance of warmth into the dismal space, but the day's chaotic rhythm had ruined her plans. The linoleum, warped and uneven, creaked under her feet as if it was voicing its discontent. With a sigh, Aurora cast a brief, defeated glance toward the cracked and swollen door panels that resisted even the most determined attempts to close them properly.

As her gaze roved across the room, a worn-out couch, beckoned from the corner. Its leather was peeling away like layers of time. It was a decaying throne, its inner springs threatening to puncture through the tattered upholstery. The scent of neglect intensified as Aurora approached the furniture, the air becoming thicker with the oppressive aura of uncleanliness.

Unfinished boxes, remnants of her hurried move, huddled in a corner, their contents half-revealed and partially forgotten. Aurora hadn't even completed the rudimentary task of unpacking, and the disheveled boxes stood as silent witnesses to her transient existence in this grimy apartment.

Her gaze drifted toward the window decorated with cobwebs, inside and out. Outside, the rain continued its relentless downpour, an uninvited guest that had overstayed its welcome. The view from her bay-facing window, once a potential source of solace, now mirrored her own emotional storm.

Yet, amid all the chaos, Aurora discovered a strange sense of equilibrium. The apartment, despite its permanent grimy façade, had become a haven of sorts, a refuge from the torrential downpour of Seattle's challenges. In the dim light, she pondered the high cost she paid for this questionable house, realizing that it demanded more than a casual cleaning—it required a thorough exorcism. It has been this way for years. Previous tenants had damaged it beyond repair.

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