Chapter 42

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This chapter contains drug and alcohol consumption, and it explores a graphic (R-rated) scene. If you don't want to read it, that's fine, but do not report this story. I've put so much heart into this book, and I don't want to lose it. Simply scroll past this chapter if you are not comfortable with this material. Thank you.

The noise in the house became more and more obnoxious the more drunk Evangeline got. It deafened her, but thankfully silenced most of the other sounds she was hearing. Still, she could feel the presence of a demon lurking in the walls. It wasn't afraid of a little party. It was there to get her.

Through the ruckus, someone had an alarm clock going off and she still kept hearing men calling her name from behind her. The sounds were annoying, draining, and they made her feel unsettled. Someone, or something, was watching her, but no matter how hard she searched through the crowd, she couldn't find the source, and no amount of alcohol drowned out the paranoia. It was getting worse by the minute.

Coming in Hot by Hollywood Undead shook the house as it took over the speakers. The anthem encouraged all of the drunks to dance in the living room where Evangeline found herself trapped. Bodies slammed into one another without care. She was too unsteady to keep herself upright, so she escaped the pit and made herself comfortable on the sidelines.

In the kitchen, Trey and some of the guys were starting to pull out their best staches. In his hand, Trey held an unlabeled pill bottle and rattled the white pills around. He laughed as the attention turned to him. Gabe gave him a high five. "Your dad's benzos?"

"Bingo, baby!" Trey puckered his lips and leaned towards Gabe. "Now give me a kiss, for I am supplying your drugs."

Gabe leaned in and instead of kissing his mouth, he smacked him on the back of his head. "Give me the damn bottle, Parker!"

Handing it over, Trey waited patiently for his share. He got on his knees in front of Gabe and opened his mouth, hoping he'd drop it on his tongue. It being a pill, or maybe something else.

As Gabe dropped two pills in his mouth, Trey chased them with his beer. He was not sober, but he also wasn't drunk yet. He'd only had three beers. He was slightly tipsy. Evangeline, on the other hand, had taken shot after shot with her new "best friend"— Gabe's sister—and she was absolutely drunk.

Aurora stood in the dining room and looked between Evangeline, dancing in the living room, and Trey, cheering on his friends in the kitchen. They were both having fun, and Aurora was trying, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She just didn't like parties very much. Especially not ones with drugs and this much alcohol. Events like this always take a turn for the worst.

Her anxiety always told her that she was in danger, but this time, the pit in her stomach wouldn't go away, even after doing breathing exercises. She was so on edge that the slightest breeze against her skin startled her. She was becoming as paranoid as Evangeline was, the only difference was that Aurora knew she was delusional.

As she looked around the party, she tried to make out the faces of the people, but with the strobing lights, everyone looked muddled and distorted. Through the crowd, she was able to make out maybe a handful of faces, none of them she recognized. However, there was one girl on the other side of the house, hiding behind a red solo cup, whose eyes were just as fixated on Evangeline as Aurora was. The girl, camouflaged by the UV dance lights, never seemed to take her eyes off of Evangeline.

Evangeline swooped in, under Aurora's arm and set her hands on Aurora's hips. Her eyes were wide open and glossed over, struggling to focus on Aurora. She tried to kiss Aurora on the mouth, but Aurora turned her head so she kissed her cheek instead. "Hey, baby. Are you having fun?" Aurora asked, putting on her best smile. Her eyes flickered to the girl, who now held a glare at Aurora.

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