Chapter 21

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After knocking on the front door of Trey's parents house, Evangeline took a step back. His truck was the only vehicle in the driveway, so it was evident his dad and his step-mother were not home. It didn't make her feel any better for showing up, unannounced.

She rocked anxiously on her heels, eyeing his step-mom's flower bed and the sign saying 'no soliciting'. She felt unwelcome, but with Aurora by her side, her discomfort was bearable.

The door opened and Trey bounced out onto the front porch. "Ladies, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Merry Christmas," Aurora said cheerfully. She presented him with the plate of cookies.

"Merry Christmas!" He eyed Evangeline as he tore open the plastic wrap and stuffed a cookie in his mouth. "I know you sure as hell didn't make these."

"Shut up," she ordered playfully.

"As a matter of fact, she did," Aurora defended. "We thought you might enjoy some holiday cookies."

Trey smiled. "They're really good. Did you make them with love?"

"Among other things," Evangeline quipped under her breath.

He smacked his lips, trying to make out the flavor. "Well, there's no grass in it. I give up, what did you do to them? Rohypnol?"

Evangeline nodded with a snicker. "Yes, we wanted to date rape you."

"You could've just asked," he said, jokingly swaying on his feet. He took another cookie. "These are really good, Aurora."

With a smile, she thanked him.

Trey continued downing cookie after cookie, shamelessly. "What are your plans for the rest of this Christmas evening?"

Aurora looked over at Evangeline and studied her expressions, looking for a clue. "I was thinking the three of us could go look at Christmas lights."

Evangeline's mouth fell in surprise. "Why would we do that?"

"Because it's fun!" Aurora said.

Trey rolled his eyes. "You used to be so fun, Eve."

"I used to do crack," she said bluntly.

He shrugged, munching down on the final cookie on his plate. "My point exactly." He wrapped up the empty plate and offered it back to Aurora. "I'm going to need more of these."

She smiled, knowingly. "I expected so. We have another plate in the car."

"Are you trying to lure me into your van?" He eyed her inquisitively. "Because if you are, call me Amber and send out the alert. I'm being kidnapped." He grabbed her hand and Evangeline's arm and pulled them to the car, skipping as he dragged them.

Evangeline scoffed. "You're a terrible person."

"But you love me."

Piling in the car, Evangeline started her car. Aurora handed the second plate of cookies from the passenger seat to Trey, who was sitting in the backseat.

"So, how about we go look at Christmas lights?" Aurora suggested, again.

Trey scoffed. "I might be gay, but I am not that gay."

Aurora begged, despite both of them vehemently rejecting the idea. "Can we at least see the temple? They always decorate the LDS temple with beautiful Christmas lights."

Evangeline and Trey both looked at each other, waiting for the other to say something. Trey finally spoke up. "I am from here on calling you Mo-mo, my Mormon bestie."

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