Chapter 35- Part 1

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Turning her key in the lock, Evangeline stumbled into the house, balancing the bags of groceries in her hands. "Aurora?" She called.

Aurora came rushing from the kitchen to help Evangeline. "Welcome home," she chirped, taking the bags out of her hands.

Dressed in her pajamas for their movie night, Aurora was one step ahead of Evangeline. It was as if she knew Evangeline would be looking at her. She was in a loose sweat shirt and grey flannel pants that concealed the shape of her legs, leaving the mystery to Evangeline's imagination.

With the weight of her nerves and the bags lifted from her shoulders, Evangeline was able to take in a deep breath. She made out the scent of lemon lingering through the air and began looking around. "Did you clean the apartment?"

Nodding, Aurora set the container of ice cream on the coffee table in front of the couch. "I just thought it would be nice to come home to a clean place."

"You are an absolute treasure." Signs of her hard work were evident all over the house. The white rug had perfectly straight lines vacuumed into the carpet, the shelves and tables were all dusted off, the chandelier was dusted, and more. Aurora truly did not miss a spot. Evangeline stepped toward her with open arms. "Come here."

Aurora hugged her. She laughed gently at the overreaction Evangeline was giving her. "It's not a big deal."

"Still, thank you." Evangeline fit her hands perfectly at the base of Aurora's back where her shirt rode up. Evangeline laced her fingers over Aurora's skin, securing their embrace. She set her head on Aurora's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Her dangerous imagination was a formidable force to be reckoned with, but Evangeline foolishly held onto Aurora as if she wasn't visualizing her naked. Even as sultry images consumed her thoughts, she didn't want to let go of Aurora. If this was as close as she could get to her, it was enough for now. She just needed to be touching her in some way.

"You don't have to thank me," Aurora pardoned.

Truth be told, Aurora cleaned the apartment because she was anxious. It wasn't about surprising Evangeline, although she would do anything to earn herself a hug or even a simple smile. Evangeline's happiness meant the world to her, but for once in her life, Aurora was being selfish. When she was tidying up, it kept her mind off of her feelings. Avoidance was her strategy until she felt ready to confront her issues. While cleaning, thoughts of Daniel didn't cross her mind, and she wanted to keep it that way. The less she dwelled on her past, the better.

Aurora held Evangeline back and gently pressed her lips to the side of Evangeline's head. She had seen Trey kiss her head so many times, she wondered if Evangeline liked it when her friends did that, but maybe it was only Trey who was allowed to do that. She wasn't certain.

"Are you ready to watch a movie?" Aurora asked, putting her hands on Evangeline's hips and separating their bodies with a gentle push. She didn't want to overstep the boundary she had drawn in her mind even though Evangeline was clearly comfortable.

Evangeline stepped back, hoping her cheeks were not outing her thoughts. Luckily, her makeup hid her digressive thoughts. "I was going to shower first. Can we hold off for, like, ten minutes?"

"Of course."

Evangeline's next move wasn't even a question at this point. She needed some time alone to get a grip on her racing thoughts before she became reckless. She'd have Aurora stripped in less than a minute if she didn't clear her mind before subjecting herself to this movie night.

Aurora accepting her hug then kissing her on the head made Evangeline just that much more out of control. She had perfectly mapped out the shape of Aurora's body just by holding her, and she could imagine her lips all over her body just knowing what that small peck felt like. She was just glad that her private thoughts were, well, private.

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