Chapter 44

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Hello, babes. I am sorry for the late update! This chapter took a lot of emotion to write, so hopefully it comes across how I want it to. Content warning: severe abuse and mentions of sexual assault/harassment. There is nothing graphic.
Stay safe, lovelies!

Aurora brushed the damp hair from Evangeline's face as the shower steam enveloped them. Most of Evangeline's hair was piled into a messy bun to keep it dry. "Turn around, please," Aurora instructed softly, lathering a loofah with soap. The water poured down Evangeline's body, soothing her.

She scrubbed Evangeline's back with a gentleness she had never experienced. While others had taken advantage of her vulnerability, Aurora's touch was protective, ensuring nothing bad would happen to her.

Evangeline was falling asleep standing up, swaying on numb legs. Aurora stabilized her, rinsing off the soap and feeling a pang in her heart at seeing Evangeline so gray and sluggish. It was Evangeline's fault for drinking too much, but Aurora still felt sympathy for her. She was struggling and there was nothing more she could do for her.

Turning off the water, Aurora grabbed a towel. "Step out," she said, offering her hand. She supported Evangeline onto the mat, patted her dry, and wrapped the towel around her. 

"Thank you," Evangeline whispered, leaning her forehead against Aurora's. "I appreciate everything you do."

"Don't thank me," Aurora reassured, "I just care about you."

"I care about you, too."

Aurora smiled, her heart skipping a beat. "Let's get you to bed."

Evangeline leaned in to kiss her, but Aurora turned her cheek. She wouldn't take advantage of Evangeline's drunken state. Instead, she kissed her forehead, showing her adoration without crossing boundaries.

Aurora grabbed a pair of her panties and shorts from her dresser and set them on the bed. She then grabbed a tee shirt from her closet. Aurora held onto Evangeline as she stepped into her pajamas.

She struggled to lift her feet off the ground, so Aurora knelt before her and guided the fabric up her leg. It was a sobering moment for Evangeline, realizing that Aurora was on her knees, helping her. She was on the floor, serving her without expecting anything in return.

From behind Aurora, from the bedroom door, Chloe scoffed. "You're such a disaster. You're lucky I came home, Eve."

"You are not helping," Aurora snapped. 

She blocked Chloe from seeing Evangeline's exposed skin. She quickly threw the shirt over Evangeline's head and pulled it down over her body. It drowned her in the best way possible.

"Don't bother; I've seen her naked before." Chloe leaned against the door frame, eyeing Evangeline like an object. Evangeline lost her personhood when she slept with Chloe. Now she was just a body for Chloe to look at.

She was a beautiful girl, Chloe would never argue against that. Evangeline was physically everything that Chloe desired in a woman. Emotionally, she was also easy to use. She was an ideal target. Chloe bit her lip, thinking of all of the things she could do to Evangeline if she could just get Aurora to leave. 

Evangeline wasn't going to remember anything the next morning anyway. Gabe made sure of that.

Aurora didn't take her eyes off Evangeline's. She was trying to ease herself, but she couldn't hide the anger Chloe inspired inside of her. "This is my room, Chloe. Get out."

"It's actually her bedroom, but whatever."

As she left, Aurora felt the weight of a thousand rocks come off her back. She laid Evangeline on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

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