Chapter 30

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Soon after closing her scrapbook, Evangeline began to drift off in Aurora's arms. Emotionally, she was now depleted and her body was succumbing to the fatigue of the long day and the drowsy effects of her medication.

Aurora rubbed her arm firmly, noticing how still and quiet Evangeline had become. "Eve?"

"I'm awake," Evangeline mumbled.

"You probably want to change into pajamas and take off your make up," Aurora whispered. There was no need to be quiet, but the dark sky outside warned her to lie low. Nothing good happens after dark. She was safer when she was quiet. "It's getting late."

Evangeline yawned and sat up. She wasn't afraid to talk normally. She didn't grow up in the kind of home Aurora did. "You're right. I should let you get to bed. You've had a long day."

"Are you going to be alright?" Aurora asked. Seeing how easily Evangeline was going to fall asleep on the couch comforted Aurora, but she still wanted to make sure Evangeline was mentally and emotionally safe. Opening up that scrapbook and all of her trauma like that could be dangerous.

Evangeline nodded. "I'll be fine. This was good. Thank you, though, for your concern and for letting me share all of this."

"It's important to talk about things," Aurora assured. The one thing that got her through her trauma of Daniel's abuse was talking to her ex about it. Because of her ex-girlfriend, Aurora managed to get most of it out over the years. Evangeline had never had such support, obviously.

Standing up from the couch, Evangeline offered a hand to Aurora to help her onto to feet. She was pleasantly surprised when Aurora took her hand and actually used it to pull her closer to her. Chest to chest, Aurora wrapped her arms around Evangeline. "Are you going to be okay?" Evangeline asked, rubbing Aurora's back and gently laughing. "I know my life is terrible, but I promise you don't have to have nightmares about it."

"I'll be fine," Aurora said, continuing to cling to her. "It's not that."

Aurora was whole-heartedly invested in comforting Evangeline, to the extent of feeling her pain with her. As the aching built in her chest, a tear began to fall down Aurora's cheek. Evangeline had been through so much, alone, for so long. It was inspiring how she managed to get through every second of her life. She was truly the strongest person Aurora had ever met.

Evangeline tried to allow herself to melt into Aurora's arms as the tight embrace went on, but she quickly stopped herself when she realized her hands were exploring Aurora's body and her lips nuzzled against her neck. She cursed at herself and pulled herself off of Aurora in an attempt to salvage their friendship. She couldn't afford to lose everything between them by using Aurora the way she uses every woman. As lovely as it would be to use her old coping skills, something had to change.

One would think she'd learn from her mistake with Chloe.

"I'll see you in the morning," Evangeline said, cowering away from Aurora and tiptoeing to her bedroom. She tucked herself inside her room and leaned against the door.

Her ignited skin threatened to burn down the wood door as she pressed her forehead into it. Embarrassment and arousal flooded her body, washing away all of her anguish from earlier. If she was going to change her life and become closer to Aurora, she had to stop inappropriately touching her.

Evangeline was pathetic. She couldn't keep her hands to herself to two god-damned minutes. She hit her hand against the door and sighed, relinquishing her frustration. She pushed herself off the door and headed to the bathroom to get her make up off.

In the mirror, her mascara stained cheeks resembled a lady bug; red and black splotches decorated her skin. She was a hot mess. Her puffy, red skin only shined through more as she removed her make up. It was abominable in her mind to show herself like this to anyone.

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