Chapter 39

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Getting through the door on her lead feet, Aurora followed Evangeline into the house. She collapsed on the couch, too tired to move any further. Evangeline laid next to her, snuggling up to her chest innocently and contently. The stark difference in her attitude was only observed by Aurora.

"It's only six, but can you take your medications early and get some sleep?" Aurora asked. She started rubbing Evangeline's back with her eyes already closed.

"No," Evangeline mumbled, fiddling with the collar of Aurora's shirt and taking in her arousing scent. "Chloe set a timer on it, so it doesn't dispense until nine. I'll be fine without them tonight."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Aurora undid the clip in Evangeline's hair and stroked her head, letting the silky blonde strands fall between her fingers.

Evangeline laughed softly, exploring Aurora's body with curious hands. "I'll be fine."

Aurora sighed, unable to muster up the energy to argue with her. If Evangeline knew what was best for herself, Aurora had to trust her. One thing was certain: they both needed sleep.

"Please stop," Aurora whispered as Evangeline began kissing her neck.

"You've had a long day." She slid her hand between Aurora's thighs. "Let me take care of you."

Shaking her head, Aurora's consciousness was already speckling. The only thing keeping her awake was Evangeline. "Not tonight."

Disappointed, Evangeline rolled her eyes and flopped her head onto Aurora's chest. She wasn't tired. "Fine."

Aurora set an alarm for 5:15 the next morning so that Evangeline wasn't late for work and she wrapped her arms around her small body, hugging her. Aurora fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

The alarm jolted Aurora awake almost immediately, it seemed. The blaring beeping sent her into a near panic. She had barely closed her eyes before it was time for Evangeline to get up. Even though she would get an extra hour of sleep, Aurora feared another long, grueling day. She hadn't slept enough, and her back ached from the unsupportive couch cushions.

Evangeline hopped up from the couch with a newfound burst of energy and she silenced the alarm. She draped the blanket back over Aurora and set a new alarm for an hour later. 

"Morning, beautiful," she whispered as Aurora closed her eyes again. "Happy birthday."

"Good morning." Aurora's muffled words barely reached Evangeline's ears. She was already falling back asleep.

Evangeline took off towards the kitchen with a skip in her step and she prepared breakfast for Aurora. She didn't have much, but she found a package of pancake mix and two eggs in the fridge. It was enough to make a meal for one. On top of that, she also tossed together a fruit mix of apples, bananas, and yogurt for Aurora.

Kneeling by the couch, she put the food on the coffee table for Aurora. She was still sleeping, but the food would be ready for her when she woke up. Evangeline kissed her head and headed to the bathroom to take off yesterday's makeup and put on a new look.

As the natural color of her skin was revealed with each wipe of her makeup remover, she looked at the yellowing bruises along her neck. They still ached pleasantly. Hopefully, she thought, Aurora will leave more tonight.

Lost in thought, Evangeline's stomach dropped at the sound of eerie whistling coming from the living room. "Aurora?" She called out.

Getting no response, she dabbed her beauty blender against her hickies, spreading her concealer. When she called Aurora's name again and still received no answer, she went to the living room. Aurora was passed out on the couch, snoring softly.

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