Chapter 23

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In the living room, Trey collapsed into the couch with an enormous groan. He juggled a boiling bag of popcorn between his fingers with the skill of a professional clown. He winced dramatically as oil ran down his wrist, causing Aurora to giggle. Her soft laugh was reward enough for his suffering.

Trey tossed the molten bag onto the coffee table, cursing at it. He needed to let it cool down, but he was impatient at best. He was a true slut for popcorn! He would put out for a bag or two any day.

He used the remote control to bring down the overhead lights to a soft, comfortable glow and used another to turn on the TV. He quickly selected a holiday rom-com from the streaming service under his own volition. Confirming the selection with Aurora, he smiled and wrapped his arm around Aurora's shoulder, inviting her to lay against his chest.

Knowing his best friend all too well, Trey pressed Aurora's ear into the fabric of his hoodie to muffle her hearing and he turned the volume of the TV all of the way up. He even cleared his voice from time to time to cover up the sounds coming from the front bedroom.

Trey was used to the noise; he'd heard— and seen— much worse from Evangeline over the years. However, Aurora didn't need to know what Evangeline was up to.

As Aurora nestled into Trey's protective embrace, she felt a wave of calm wash over her. The warmth of his body enveloped her like a soft blanket. The soothing familiarity of the Hallmark movie playing on the screen added to her tranquility and allowed her to let go. With a contented sigh, she whispered, "This is nice."

Trey shrugged, forcing her head to bounce with his shoulder. "I guess so. I never really watch movies, if you know what I mean." He made a comedic kissing noise and tightened his grip on her.

"Do you have an off switch for this kind of shit?" Aurora asked, clapping her hand over his chest. She searched his buff chest for a magic button to cure him of his disgusting sense of humor. Her swift movements tickled his pecs, eliciting grumbled laughter.

"Maybe," he joked. "It's somewhere you'll never find it." He squeezed her hand in his, pushing her palm into his chest. He restricted her writhing body effortlessly, not even beading a sweat against all her might.

She succumbed to his strength and quit resisting him. She was quite the pathetic opponent for Trey, but in her heart, she knew her counterpart was only tough on the outside. Trey could never be a fighter. As she panted in defeat, he began to loosen his grasp on her body, still firmly planting her hand against his chest. He modeled calmly breathing with a bastard grin that screamed his victory.

He allowed Aurora to feel the weak hum-drum of his slow heartbeat, with each pulse taking its time to come and go. He took in the warmth of her skin at every point of contact their bodies had. From her legs, pressed up against his thighs and abdomen, to her hand on his chest to her head, resting on his shoulder. He laid his head against hers to gain more connection.

For Trey, auras serve great importance. The energy a person gives off is like a wavelength that can only be felt. Auras are something that only a trained soul can sense. They are timid, exposing themselves only when there is peace. He inhaled deeply, blocking out the tangible sound waves that disturbed the air. His stillness invited their shared energy to come to his mind's eye.

The aura that exuded from Aurora was glorious and vivid, shadowing his own energy. With great reverence, he relished in her energy within his mind. Accepting its strength, he looked between her amber eyes and took in the hints of gold. Behind her eyes, a story was unfolding.

She narrowed her gaze curiously. "What?"

"I just see something," he said. He smiled shyly, indicating his vagueness was nothing to fear. "I think I know something about you that nobody else does."

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