Chapter 41

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This chapter contains heavy alcohol consumption. Stay safe, lovelies!

At home that night after work, Aurora sat cross-legged on the bathroom counter, watching Evangeline do her makeup in the long vanity mirror. Evangeline had done it and redone it twice now, and they hadn't spoken in at least a half hour. Evangeline was too busy perfecting her foundation and eye shadow, paying special attention to every centimeter of her skin. Her fascination with her looks quite entertained Aurora. It was cute to see her so focused.

She was a beautiful woman without makeup, but Aurora would be lying if she said Evangeline didn't look gorgeous with it. Her features were not masked but rather accentuated by the products. God did this woman every favour and Aurora felt blessed to spend her time falling in love with every part of her.

"Who will be at the party?" Aurora asked quietly. 

Evangeline jumped, startled. She accidentally smeared her mascara brush against her eyebrow and groaned as the black stained her perfectly shaped eyebrow. After wiping it clean and collecting herself, she shrugged. "Probably nobody we know. It's Trey's friend's party."

"Where is it?" Aurora had a line of questions, but she didn't want to bother Evangeline with all of them.

"It's in Kent."

Aurora tried to locate Kent on a mental map but failed. She'd never heard of that city, much less been to it. "Are you sure about this?"

"You worry too much, my love." Evangeline applied lip gloss to her mouth and smoothed the line beneath her lip out with her pinky. "Just trust me. We're going to have a great time."

Her ex always told her she worried too much, but how could she not? Reports of women being drugged and kidnapped or murdered were plastered across the news every single day. She didn't want to become a statistic for the National Missing Persons list. Especially not on her birthday.

She also didn't want a repeat of her twenty-first birthday.

Aurora swallowed hard, a knot in her stomach. "Will Trey be there?"

"Yes, but I can't guarantee he'll be sober." Evangeline darkened her eyebrows with a pencil. "You're more than welcome to drink with us, but I understand if you don't want to."

Aurora shook her head. "I'm not going to drink. I'll drive all of us home."

Evangeline set the pen down and looked at her appearance. She had on a loose, silk burgundy tank and black ripped jeans. She had even given Aurora a burgundy sweatshirt to wear so they could match. Evangeline tossed her long hair, pouting her lip as she took in her reflection. "God, your girlfriend is hot," she said, ruffling her beach waves.

"Yes, she is!" Aurora giggled. How could she forget? She was dating the most beautiful woman in any room, and she dared to forget? "You look amazing. Can we go?"

"It doesn't start until nine." Evangeline checked her phone for the time. Seeing that there was still half an hour before the get-together started, she squared herself between Aurora's knees, resting her hands on her thighs. She squeezed her skin gently. "Hop down and we can pass the time."

Aurora scoffed. "What? Are we going to play a board game?"

Evangeline rolled her eyes. "I was thinking Twister."

"In your nice clothes?"

Evangeline whined. "I'll take off my clothes."

Blushing at the notion, Aurora cleared her throat. "You just finished getting ready. I don't want to mess up your makeup."

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