Chapter 28

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Lifting her garbage bags full of clothes onto the bed, Aurora opened it up and began pulling out articles of clothing. Her clothes were mummified with dirt and dust. Many of these outfits hadn't been touched since she packed them into these bags two years ago. They'd just been sitting in her car since she was kicked out of her parents house. The hot summer heat from Utah destroyed the integrity of many of them, but it wasn't like she could afford to buy new ones. The clothes she did unpack when she moved here, were in a box now, instead of a Hefty.

She handed a pile of shirts to Evangeline and motioned to the dresser. "Can you put those in one of those drawers?"

Tucking the clothes into the top drawer, Evangeline found a healing energy emanating from the wood. The catharsis of moving on. Now, she could look forward. "By the way," she stated, "that dress looks amazing on you."

"Thank you." Aurora stuck her hands into the holes on either side of her hips. "It has pockets."

"Oh good!" Evangeline giggled. It wasn't the fabric that had caught her attention, but she was thankfully under Aurora's radar. She recklessly designed Aurora's curves in her mind. Halting to a screeching stop, Evangeline looked away. This relationship was not like a yellow light to speed through. Evangeline needed to learn some self-control. Trey made it quite clear that she was severely lacking in it.

Aurora continued dividing up her clothes to be put in the dresser and in the closet. She took extra care not to show off any of her underwear or bras out of internalized shame. She kept them hidden under a pile of jeans. She tossed a pair of leggings to Evangeline. "Bottom drawer please."

Evangeline opened the bottom drawer that Aurora had been peeking in not too long ago. Aurora was certain Evangeline had removed the books, but she looked over Evangeline's shoulder to check. What if Evangeline noticed the book had moved slightly?

Taking her orders, Evangeline put article after article where it belonged. Aurora had a system and Evangeline was grateful for it. God knew she wasn't as organized as Aurora was. Maybe seeing how things that are properly put away will rub off on her before she has to unpack her entire new bedroom.

A titanium weight pulled Evangeline's stomach down to her feet and made her blood run cold. The once excitement of this big step turned dreadful. She still had to unpack all of her things. "What's next?"

"Top right drawer," Aurora instructed, handing over two pairs of denim blue jeans.

Routinely placing clothes into the dresser distracted Evangeline, at least momentarily. In her daze, Evangeline found herself watching Aurora, her gaze unbreakable. The way Aurora bent over the edge of the bed to grab at bundles of socks was alluring, to say the least. The way her toned calves bled into sculpted thick thighs; how her ass curved out from her arched back. Her actions were seductive, even though it was only in Evangeline's hypersexual mind.

Evangeline cleared her throat and looked up at the ceiling, trying to direct the blood from her cheeks. Her face and neck were as red as a cherry. Aurora turned to hand her another pair of pants. "Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine," Evangeline assured with guilt scribbled across her forehead. She was practically dripping with sweat.

With two of the three bags completely put away, Aurora was coming down to the last of her items to unpack. Her eyes stung as she handed the last shirt to Evangeline. "That's everything," her voice quivered.

Closing the drawer softly, Evangeline smiled. "You're all settled."

"Yeah," Aurora said quietly. She batted her eyelashes to keep herself from crying. It wasn't a sad moment, but her emotions were getting the best of her. The uncertainty of her next move became certainty. Her fear has been replaced with reassurance. Everything was falling into place.

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