Chapter 45

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Jeff swung around the corner of the service desk with a Diet Dr. Pepper in one hand and an empty, crushed package of cigarettes in the other. He had his usual pep in his step, but something about his straight face told Aurora everything she needed to know.

"Did you hear about Trey?" Aurora asked gently.

She motioned to her trainer that she needed a break to talk to Jeff, and the man gladly took off to hit his vape outside. He didn't want to spend another minute with Aurora. She was insufferable! Always asking questions and always trying to learn. Almost as if she wanted to be trained.

Jeff lowered his head. "I did. His dad called bright and early this morning. They took him to a rehab center."

"I know." Aurora was painfully aware of the situation with Trey. She just hoped and prayed Evangeline didn't remember anything about last night. That was the scariest night of Aurora's life; she can't imagine how Evangeline feels about it.

Jeff's gaze softened in sympathy. "Are you doing okay?"

Aurora tried to speak, but she didn't want to say the wrong thing. "I just hope he's okay. He overdosed last night. Luckily, Eve was able to revive him."

"She's one tough cookie to take on an OD like that."

"It was amazing to see her jump into action," Aurora agreed carefully. She didn't want to disclose any information that Trey and Evangeline wouldn't want shared. She was careful about what she said others. Trey deserved privacy, but she couldn't help but confide in Jeff.

Jeff continued, "It is for the better that he is in rehab again."

Aurora widened her eyes in surprise. "Again?"

"Eve and Trey both went to rehab about two years ago." He was not disclosing the information to shame Trey or Evangeline, but he wanted to make sure their trusted friend was aware of the circumstances. "My niece admitted both of them to an outpatient facility after a camping trip."


"She said she got into a fight with Eve and then Trey came at her with a gun. They both needed help, so Chlo' made it happen." Jeff broke a genuine smile, relieved by the outcome of Chloe's actions. "Eve is sober because of her. Now, we just need to get Trey off that rusty wagon."

"They haven't had the chance to tell me any of that." Aurora's voice was barely above a whisper. She felt honored to know these details about their lives, but it hurt her to know that she wasn't a part of their lives sooner. She could've been there for them. Instead, they only had Chloe— a devil at her best.

Trey had mentioned in passing about the camping trip that Jeff was referring to. He said Chloe had broke his gun. It didn't take a genius to put the two together. Aurora wasn't there, but she could see the scene as clear as day.

Chloe was probably antagonizing Trey, then flipped the story around. Aurora didn't believe Trey would do that, even under the influence, but she wouldn't put it past Chloe to string together a lie that makes her look like the victim.

"The three of them were always getting into trouble, but thankfully, they're slowly finding their way out of it. Chloe, Trey, Eve are the kind of people you want in your corner when things get rough."

Jeff's lighthearted chuckles relieved some of the nauseating worries that circulated Aurora's mind, but it left her wondering more about those times in their lives. Jeff had been through it all, it seemed.

"Thank you for telling me, Jeff."

"Trey deserves better." Jeff shook his head solemnly. "He's such a good kid with a good heart and a good brain. Addiction is a vicious disease, I've been there. Sober now for 48 years."

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