Chapter 15

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The day bustled by with a relentless stream of customers flowing in and out of the store, each one on a mission to snag those last-minute holiday items. The aisles echoed with the shuffle of feet and the rustle of shopping bags as patrons hurriedly scoured the shelves. Despite the frenzy, Evangeline remained steadfast, her focus unwavering as she assisted one customer after another.

As the clock struck 4:45 pm, signaling the impending end of her shift, Evangeline stole a quick glance at the time. Fifteen minutes left. The store closed early on Christmas Eve, a rare perk of working for a small corporation. Tomorrow would mark her first day off in weeks, a much-needed respite from the chaos of the holiday rush.

The thought of a day to herself brought a glimmer of relief, a chance to finally confront the emotions she had been suppressing since Chloe's departure. With a heavy sigh, Evangeline resolved to use the time to unravel the tangled mess of feelings that had been gnawing at her, a task she had been avoiding for far too long.

Trey approached her with a small box in between his hands. His thoughtful gesture caught Evangeline off guard, his devilish grin contrasting with the sincerity of his actions. She accepted the small box with a playful nudge, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You don't have to thank me," he insisted as he offered the gift to her.

With gentle fingers, Evangeline untied the thin red ribbon around the silver box, her curiosity piqued. As she lifted the lid, her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the delicate sterling silver necklace chain nestled on the black cushion inside. She looked up at Trey in shock, her heart touched by his gesture. "You got me a new one?"

Trey's expression softened as he nodded. "I don't know what happened to your chain, but I figured you could put your locket on this one. I know how much wearing it means to you."

Evangeline's voice was quiet as she spoke, her gaze fixed on the necklace in her hands. "It was the necklace my mom gave me before she died," she confessed, the weight of the words hanging in the air.

Trey's casual shrug belied the depth of his understanding. "You used to wear it every day, and you were always looking at it. I figured you'd tell me about it if you wanted to. Then, you stopped wearing it, and I noticed. You're always pulling at your shirt collar like you're looking for it."

Evangeline's heart swelled with gratitude and a hint of sadness as she reflected on the significance of the locket. She had had it since she was seven years old, a tangible connection to her mother's memory. Two months ago, a fight with Chloe had led to the chain snapping, leaving Evangeline with a void she couldn't fill. Placing her locket on her nightstand was a bittersweet reminder of what was lost, but Trey's gift offered a glimmer of hope. "You have no idea how much this means to me," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion.

"When my parents divorced, I missed my mom so much that I slept with a stuffed dog she gave me until I was eighteen. I know what it's like to only have one thing to remember a person." Trey opened his arms. Evangeline sank into his chest and held onto him tightly. He embraced her. "Don't get all sappy on me, Eve." He rubbed her back as she smiled into his hoodie. The smell of his grape vape clung to the fabric. "If you ever want to talk about your mom, I'm here for you."

"Thank you," she mumbled. She took a regulating breath and slowly peeled herself off him. "You know you're great, right?"

He beamed and ran his hand through his wild hair. He turned playful. "Why thank you, Miss Eve."

She bumped her fist against his bicep. "I'm so grateful for you."

"Just promise you won't break this one," he negotiated. "What happened to your last one, by the way?"

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