🩸Sugar Honey Ice Tea🩸

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"All done."


Hyun-su was caught looking at the picture of the man when he still had legs.

The man then turned on the switch he made on the home-made spear which caused electricity to crackle. "they still move around with their heads chopped off. A kitchen knife can't do the job, but this will do it."

"You think....I can kill them with that thing?"

"No, you cannot."

"How do you know that?" Hyun-su asked. "I just know it. Avoid them at all costs. If you come across one, run as fast as you can. No. Don't even let them see you, yeah?

"I'll wait outside" I said. And that's what I did. I waited for Hyun-su while I was on my phone.

After he was done talking to the old man, we then left.

We walked down the hallway but the same monster that was in Hyun-su's apartment was infront of us so we had to shelter in the elevator.

Flys where in the room too. A lot of them. It smelled like fish in here too.

As we were about to leave the monster peaked it's head in and used its elastic arm to punch the fish. I almost yelped but I placed a hand over my mouth.

Hyun-su then stabbed the monster with his upgraded weapon. And turned on the electricity which zapped it.

He then got out and ran out and I followed.

As we were running as we were turning the corner, the monster sent out it's elastic arm at us we Hyun-su ducked and I fell.

We didn't move because the monster knocked everything down. Like helmets, plates, etc.

His arm multiplied like a tree branch. After he found nothing, it retracted it's arm.

Hyun-su then looked around the corner and picked up a small bouncy ball. He threw it in the monster's way and it began bouncing all over the place.

Once it was done bouncing Hyun-su stabbed the monster in the back with his electrified weapon. Knocking it down. He then grabbed my arm and started running with me right behind him.


As I found my footing he let go of my hand and we ran down another hallway.

We then reached the apartment where the kids are. Hyun-su knocked on the door a few times. "Kids. We're here to help you." He said hushly.

"Hyun-su that's creepy. Let me. *Ahem* Kids, hey we came to help"

A second later the door opened revealing a girl. We then sat on the floor with them there was a boy and girl,the girl was older than the boy.

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