🩸337 days🩸

146 3 0

I was woken up by Eun-yu. "Oh my gosh, you're okay! " She breathed in relief.

I got up and looked around....there was so much destruction.

Eun-yu walked away and a few moments later I heard yelling, I followed it to see Ji-su on the ground and suddenly.


I wailed. My eye's buldged "JI-SU!"

Right then

And right there

Something happened...I felt something come over me....I wasn't monsterization....it was numbness....

WEEKS later

I don't know how much things went on in the world but it was now 337 days since the outbreak started.

(Soo I had a whole thing written but I didn't save....I'm so fuckin' pissed)

A lot of survivors took shelter underground. The Crow platoon protected us from the monster's which made most of the people satisfied but some others felt like they're being oppressed.

I was recognised by a lot of people because of my "Diamond Cat" streams. Back in those days I'd play Resident evil, Kindergarten 1 & 2, Paint the town red, Little Nightmares 1 & 2, Inside, Friday the 13th Game and much more.

I was a horror fanatic but these days it seems like real monsters are coming to life. Anyways I was greatful for the life I had now, my hair was cut smaller so it wouldn't be tangled in anything.

And I had a new outfit and some weapons I also was learnt basic combat by the same cute soldier, whose name I came to have found out was Park Chan-Yeong.


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I saw some commotion, Eun-yu was about to break it up but I placed my hand on her shoulder and nodded

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I saw some commotion, Eun-yu was about to break it up but I placed my hand on her shoulder and nodded. Apparently this guys told something from Yeong-su and now he want to cut he boy's hand to check for a monster cut. That pissed me the fuck off.

Before he could cute Yeong-su I grabbed his hand and squeezed it until he dropped the knife. "You're disgusting, stealing from a child then wanting to cut him because you got caught...you pussy!" I yelled. The guy looked angry as if he was mad I caught him.

"You bitch! Why don't you go back to streaming? It's what you do best" He spat. I was not fazed since this guy was a bully. "If you ever bother Yeong-su again I'll you and Crow platoon won't do shit about it." I threatened.

"You won't do jack shit" He then gripped on to my arm...in retaliation I socked him in his jaw. He fell backwards holding the place where I punch him.

He grunted "you Crazy Bitch!" I turned around without a care in the world and kneeled down infront of Yeong-su. "Are you okay?" He nodded in response and I hugged him... he hugged me back instantly...our bond has increased since we met. He's been trying to be strong ever since he lost his sister.

A lot of time passed

I was planning on leaving from underground since it drove me crazy to be in the dark with people.....ironic cause I used to be a gaming influencer. I'm no Ada Wong but my fighting is decent.

Eun-yu went to deiliver her shipment to the chief's Bratt daughter, I didn't go with her because I would literally kill her. She's fucking jealous and bitchy. But anyways Eun-yu informed me when she was leaving.

I followed behind her.

We soon made it daylight and I breathed out happy to finally see. Now I have to worry about tell Eun-yu that I'm leaving to find Hyun-su... I know it may seem random but Hyun-su understands me and I feel like something went wrong with him being taken cause the government has fallen....so why not rescue him?

Eun-yu and I walk simultaneously next to each other in harmony until she stopped and looked at the blue cloth rapped around her hand, I held it and she looked into my eyes. "Eun-yu, you did what you had to...and besides there's no point in dwelling in the past." I know she was thinking back to when she killed that woman's husband, Eun-yu and I have gotten close since we got underground. We both helped each other cut our hair.

"Thank you she replied, her gaurd fell for a split second. "We probably continue" I said and she nodded and started to walk..I followed.

Time passed as always and there was blissful silence. In the area we were in there were a lot of abandoned cars and over grown greenery.

Eun-yu glanced at one of the mirrors that was broken and hanging from the sid or a car and whispered "Run".

I didn't question her authority and ran, soon there were bullets...it was unexpected for me....I didn't think I'd be getting cardio this early.. as we ran I heard someone yelled "Ah! Fucking bitch!"

Soon we were out of sight for them to see. "Biiitchhh!" I heard and I felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest.

I hit on the opposite side of where Eun-yu is, I over to see the guy getting close to her hiding spot. I quietly got on top of a car and jumped on him. "EUN-YU RUN!"

She got out of the car and ran, the guy elbowed me and when he got up he looked frustrated. "You bitch"



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