🩸It will get better🩸

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Face claim, hair and outfit reminder:

Face claim, hair and outfit reminder:

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I was helping with emptying the bottles with everyone else and listening to the conversation

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I was helping with emptying the bottles with everyone else and listening to the conversation.

Byeong-il then began speaking. "Well, anyhow it's sad to see it go to waste. Plus we need the bottles, so.."

Basically he was drinking from the bottles...kinda smart. "Your so immature" the lady with the dog said.

"So when do you think Hyun-su will be back?" The guy with the striped pants asked.

"I Don't know. He's late today. Do you think something happened to him?"

"You know he doesn't die. Even if he gets hurt, he gets better after a nap." A guy said.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked staring at him. "Just because he can't die we- no scratch that, YOU people have to behave as if he's some sort of monster?"

"Jae‐hwan, don't get on her bad side, Hyun-su is like her brother and she'll do anything to protect him." The dog lady said.

I smiled at her and she returned it.

-suddenly there was a whistle which indicated a monster attack.

We all ran out to see a monster that was covered in hair. I really wasn't fazed. The last time I showed true fear was when I was on the 15th floor and was cornered with the muscly monster. From then on I've never really been afraid.

The gangster was going to kill it but the lady who was being abused stopped him.

"That's my husband. Stay back."

I walked next to him and whispered. "We need to talk later."

The burnt face man just looked at me blankly.

"Pull yourself together, Kim Seok-hyeon. Kim Seok-hyeon. Pull yourself together!!" With that she whacked him with the pipe. It was the old man who I despised when I was first here "You decided to come back. Do you have any last words?"

It then whispered something to her. She then began hitting him hard and Began crying uncontrollably.

Hyun-su then walked into the room. He looked at the dead body and walked off.

Some hours later. The power was cut off which was bad. Everyone was in the daycare but I was with Eun-hyeok.

I was giving him a sensual massage as he was thinking, my hands were in shirt Caressing his back muscles he was letting out quiet groans as he looked at the map. Ji-su walked in which scared me, I think she now knows what's going on with me and Eun-hyeok.

"People are starting to loose it"

"I know, a lot sooner than I thought. Electricity has no direct impact on survival. A lack of drinking water is a more serious problem." He said.

Ji-su sighed. "I know you're staying calm for everyone." She then walked up to face him, "be honest with me. Do you think we can survive?"

Sometime later.

The three of us were walking to Hyun-su's area. A girl walked past us and spoke. "Leave him alone. If it's that important, you should go by yourself."

"Stop it" Ji-su said.

"Hey! Your the worst one. You act like you care, but you just stand by and do nothing."

"Well what about you? All you do is run your dumb fucking mouth." Ji-su clapped back.

"You fucking bitch."

"Don't speak to Ji-su like that, your being unnecessarily bitchy." I said obviously annoyed.

She scoffed. "You shouldn't be talking. You claim to be "Hyun-su's friend" but your nothing but Eun-hyeok's little bitch."

I gasped in shock. Eun-hyeok then turned around. "Hey Eun-yu."

"Stay out of it. You're not my real brother."


Eun-hyeok slapped her. I rushed and separated them, he looked hurt. "Your so fucking weak." She said then walked off.

"Hey its okay, don't let her get to you." I whispered. I entwined my fingers with his. "It will get better Eun-hyeok, believe me."

He then hugged me and I hugged him back, his only family was treating him like dirt, he's trying to do the best for everyone but everyone keeps ripping into him.

Ji-su looked very surprised to say the least.

Later he then started talking to Hyun-su. I went to sleep in the Camera room..

Some time later I heard a gun shot. It sounded like the gun the old man had.

Soon I heard Su-yeong screamed "AHHH MR. HAN!!"

I ran out with a large knife. I saw that a spider thing was holding her up. I couldn't get an angle to set her free because it would stab me as well.

Soon it dropped to the ground releasing Su-yeong. The monster had stabbed Mr. Han in his none working leg. I saw that Eun-yu and another pretty girl were pulling the rope to pull the monster back up.

I then stabbed the monster's sharp ice pick- like hand multiple times and it soon released the old man.

I dragged Mr. Han away from it safely but with a lot of struggle.

"Eat this monster!" Su-yeong then tossed a M.cocktail at it making its leg catch fire, she had the right idea but wrong execution.

To sum it all up. The ladies fell making it come loose. Jae-heon and the gangster pulled Old man Han out of the way and Hyun-su stabbed the monster with his electrified weapon and the monster fell down on him.

After the commotion, Hyun-su finally killed it and slowly tossed the monster off of him, he then got up and his eyes were pitch black. Soon they went back to having pupils again.

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