🩸Don't. Rock. The boat🩸

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We were currently on the highway on the back of a truck

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We were currently on the highway on the back of a truck. "The military pulled it off." Seung-wan said with happiness evident in his voice.

"Doesn't mean we're safe now" Jae-hwan said. "Well, there wasn't a single monster the whole way here." He replied. "No people too" Eun-yu commented.

"Uh...well I...." he was stuttering. "It's probably best you don't say anything....I don't know about any of you but I have a bad feeling." I said.

"I do too..." Ji-su mumbled...she looked pale, and her eyes were wondering off in the distance. I gave her my full attention as I was the one close to her.

"Ji-su what's up?" She turned to me with a confused look on her face "hmm?" "You've been mostly quiet..and that's not really like you. She had a look of nervousness and a hint of sadness.

"Ji-su...you can tell anything..w literally started this mess together, we delt with monsters together and much more...to be fair your honestly one of the only person I trust...don't tell Hye-in I said that." I smiled whispering the last part.

Ji-su had a smile on her face for a split second but soon was replaced with a look of sadness, "Okay...I think I'm ready. So remember Jae-heon right? Well while I was recovering from surgery he told me that he loved me" Ji-su was on the brink of crying, "and that was his will....at the same time the monster attack happened...and yeah." She was lightly sobbing at this point. I had known Jae-heon, he was a good man...and Ji-su going through this heartbreak is...very unfortunate, je deserves happiness and has been through enough.

"Oh Ji-su" I hugged her and she leaned into me. "Nari, everyone that comes around me dies, I don't want the same thing to happen to you, your my dearest friend."

"Nothing will happen to me...I will make sure of it." I was concerned for her. "That's not even the first time something like that happened to me....my ex...he hung himself and left his guitar for me..at that time I ha no one to talk to and it really hurt me." I listened to Ji-su pour her heart out, I want her to feel like she's finally safe. But that's impossible considering the circumstances that we are in.

I hugged Ji-su until we came to a tunnel-like place were the military are.

The vehicle came to a halt and a guy came around and pointed his gun at us. "The vehicle looks clear. Let them through." He said into a walkie. The men opened the gate and the truck drove through.

As we were walking through the crowd...what seems to be a groom's nose was bleeding....they took him and shot him and now the grooms friend I guess attacked them and now he's getting beaten down....the bride was now crying as she was alone....poor her.

I walked straight minding my own business..suddenly I heard screams and gunfire....the crowd was now running towards me...I then heard an explosion.

A little bit later Eun-yu was running towards us in the opposite direction and yelled "keep running!!" I wasted no time following the crowd. A cute soldier guy then waved us over. I used all my energy just to run to the truck. I was the first one that got in the back of it and I help the other come on.

The truck stopped the reversed, I saw Eun-yu and I waved her over, Ji-su and I helped her up.

We soon drove off leaving the tunnel area...

We were not outside again...there was a lot of tension in the air. Little Yeong-su was crying but his sister comforted him. Soon the truck came to a stop. It looked like the soldiers had a disagreement because one of them was beating down on the other. "Man, even soldiers have it rough" Seung-wan commented..."Bom....Bom where's my?" Apparently Bom is gone...poor thing I really liked Bom.

"Hey, who gives a fuck where your dog is, huh?" Jae-hwan opening his fat ass mouth again. "How dare you! You'd be dead if it wasn't for Bom." She said but I stood up and put a hand on her shoulder..."take it easy, I got this....You self centered prick, would it fucking kill you to show a little bit of compassion? Your literally the fucking reason why thing whole thing happened to us."

"So What?" He replied, "are you fucking kidding me?! You retarded cunt-" "Guys now is not the time for this. What's gonna happen to us?" Jae-hwan glared at me and I returned the favour, I got a bone to pick with him.

Suddenly Miss 'hates my guts' grabbed a gun from I don't know where and pointed it at the soldier who was beating up the other one...she then shot a window, as proof of the gun having bullets, making Both Hye-in and Seung-wan yelp due to the shock wave of the gun.

Eun-yu gave Ji-su the gun and she left to go back into the greenhome hotel.

I was there minding my own business. "Just kill them. Without them, we'd just be considered innocent survivors. So let's just kill them both and go back. It's as simple as that." Jae-hwan stated.

"Don't. Rock. The boat" I warned. "Choose wisely. Don't you want the vaccine?" "You mean, a vaccine exists?" Jae-hwan then reached into the pockets of his jacket and pulled out the red flyer "He's right. It does say here that they're working on a vaccine. You people took Hyun-su away. That means you can make a vaccine now."

Even if there was a vaccine I highly doubt it'll be made over night. "There's not enough for everyone. But someone who saved a soldier might get it, though." There's no way Jae-hwan would betray us...right?.....


He pulled Ji-su's hand making the gun point up. I rushed over and Began choking Jae-hwan from behind. "ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME?! AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!" I yelled. "I'M NOT GONNA FUCKING DIE LIKE THIS!" He yelled back.

He then squeezed Ji-su on where she had her surgery... I then bit his neck from behind and he screamed.

"Drop the gun!" The man's words rang out... we all stopped what we were doing I got off of Jae-hwan and He let go of Ji-su who dropped the gun. The cute military guy was pointing his gun at me.

My breathing calmed down as I steady myself.

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