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Outfit, hair and weapon.

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"My leg FUCK!!"

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"My leg FUCK!!"

The guy shot me in my fucking leg I was sobbing, I felt so much pain.

(Fragment- Fragment—wound- scab.....Fragment– Fragment foot bitch!😛🤣)

The guy said some harsh things to his friend and chased after Eun-yu.

The skinny guy looked at me...he look remorseful. "I'm sorry." He then ran off.

My foot was killing me. I got up some time later and Began limping.,,the pain was unbearable.

Soon there was rain..."That's fucking great." I grit my teeth it soon rained heavier and I was more scared than pissed.

I opened one of the backseat to one of the cars and went in....I fell asleep minutes later.

I woke up minutes later to "Booms"

The realisation hits me and I yelped in pain, my leg was fucked. I kicked open the car door with my useful leg.

I then looked around, it looked like the rain stopped....I guess I didn't sleep for that long.

Soon I heard movement which suddenly stopped. I remained still. The explosion I heard must've attracted monsters...and now I could very well meet my demise.

I slowly drew my Katana from my back holster.

There was still silence so I hit the car with my katana and immediately a 4 legged beast with some Mechanical features jumped out of nowhere. It went to attack me but I rolled out of the way...it hit the car.

I then ran into the backseat of another car and it followed me, it chomped at the window getting its head stuck.

I crawled out the other way, it was still stuck. I then sneaked behind the car and it suddenly got free.

I stood my ground even with my injured leg, it stood on its hind legs and that's when I striked...I cut its head off... "I show you mercy" I whispered..I felt bad that humans had to turn into these things.

After did I let out a calm breath and dropped down looking up

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After did I let out a calm breath and dropped down looking up. I soon got up and Began limping my way back to the base.

Some time passed and I saw the stadium...I breath a sigh... I was hoping Eun-yu was okay...it wasn't my intention to leave her, but if I had stayed out there I'd probably be dead because of my injury.

I was soon let in and I got weird stares. I didn't like being here but yeah I hwve to endure it.

Soon I limped my way to the doctors office area, I was about to walk in when I heard 2 voices...I knew instantly who their owners were

"—What the hell happened to your face? Who was it? How did you get like this? A monster?" Cheif's daughter cried.

"I'm fine really" Chan-Yeong replied. "Do you see my hair? I didn't get the dye out in time 'Cause I was worried about you, and now it's a wreck.....Ugh! If you keep that up and something....something happens, what am I supposed to do then, huh? -how" she whimpered.

"Hmm? I don't really get where you're going with this." God he's really dense, I hid a laugh. "It's...no never mind. Hey. Once I get my hair looking perfect, then I'll see you again. And put ointment on those." I then heard footsteps headed my way. I acted like I was about to walk in.

She walk past me but stopped to look me up and down as if I was some bug. I took my middle finger and used it to tuck some hair behind my ear, she scoffed and walked off.

I limped into the hallway and Chan-Yeong stopped me, "Hey, let me help he said rushing to me. "No, stop we shouldn't do this" "What helping you?" He smirked with a reply.

"She was right...you do need to put ointment on those." I replied, "so you were eavesdropping?"


"What happened to your leg?"

"Nothing you need to worry about, Sargent Park" when I said that he lightly laughed and looked down, "to you it's Chan-Yeong." I stopped smiling, "you really are dense...look Chan-Yeong, if you didn't notice that spoil bratt has a crush on you and I really don't want to deck her in her pretty little face, so I'd appreciate it if you stay away from me."

He didn't look happy, I then limped my way to the doctors room but before I got in he said something "for the record, your more prettier then she is." I smiled to myself and walk into the room. I saw a boy laying on the table, it was Jun-il, he and his mom are residents here as well.

I saw a man interacting with Jun-il, "Dr. Lim?" I asked...he hen turned around to look at me, "Ah Seok-Nari, what a ...unexpected surprise. " I was a bit confused since this is the first time I met him in person. "How do you know my name?"

"Sargent Park talks about you during his visits and he 9ften describes your short white hair." I rolled my eyes, of course Chan-Yeong talks about me.

"Anyway, what seems to be the problem?" He asked "I got shot in my leg" the pain was excruciating...I honestly got used to it..I hope that fucker that shot me is dead.

"Well hop up and place these in your mouth." He gestured to another table and he gave me a belt to put In my mouth. "I'm gonna take out to bullet." I hopped on the table carefully and he walked over to where I am, I placed the belt in my mouth in a fold so I have a strong grip on it with my teeth.

"My my, your have strong thighs" he smiled, I felt a little embarrassed cause I was still wearing shorts.

"This is definitely gonna hurt so brace yourself."


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