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The ambiance was silent, tears flow like soft streams

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The ambiance was silent, tears flow like soft streams. Su-yeong was actually dead..no one could fathom a death of a child happening right infront of them so it was a traumatised sight, especially for little Yeong-su, Su-yeong was the only family he had left, and now he has nobody.

I was determined here on out that I would look out for Yeong-su, he will be my focus, my light and my joy. No one should go through this let alone a child.

They placed Su-yeong's body on the bus, Yeong-su was sobbing quietly trying to hold on for his sister. "From here on, we'll go by foot" the guy said. Some people them began making their way off the bus.

The lady who lost her daughter, Whose name I came to know as Jin-ok, was now speaking. "Yeong-su, hey. Let's get going." "But what about Su-yeong?"

"We can't bring her with us."

Yeong-su then yelled which made me jump a little bit, "Then I'm going to stay here!" ,you could tell he loved his sister dearly, sometimes I wish I could've had that with my brother....

"Yeong-su, hey..." "-I'm not going to survive this way. And I'm not waiting to see you turn!" That absolutely broke me, tears escaped my eyes, sorrow washed over my entire body, Yeong-su's powerful emotions are so sad, inspiring and good-spirited he doesn't deserve any of this pain he is now burdened with.

The lady was crying too at this point,"don't say that. I'm not gonna turn into..." "-Go away! She's my sister." The stranger who got on the bus with us walked in and picked up Yeong-su "Don't touch me! Let me go! I said let go of me! I'm staying!"

He passed me and went off the bus. I wiped my tears and took a breathe. Jin-ok then placed a tarp over Su-yeong's body, I walked over and hugged her, she hugged me back and we stayed in comfortable silence.

Moments later We left the bus....there was a lot of yelling from Yeong-su....it really hurts.

"Nari, are you okay?" Ji-su asked I nodded wiping some tears. She then gave me a side hug. We then walked....destination unknown.



Sometime later We made it to a facility, there were hundreds of civilians.

The guy who was on the bus with us placed Yeong-su down and then went his way...I was angry but my emotions were haywire.

"Uhm, I should get going" the military guy said, he then bowed. I have a lot of respect for him...he helped us. "You're going off alone?" Hye-in asked.

"I should report in 'Cause duty calls."

"You're going back to them?" Seu question. "You hold stay with us." Eun-yu spoke. "Yeah, I mean, just take off your uniform, right? What are they going to do, come after you?" Hye-in said. I got a steamy imagination and I'm a little embarrassed...the cute military guy without clothes....

(Author: I meannnnnn he IS sexy An imagine him without clothes and in underwear...)

I was brought back to reality when Seung-wan spoke, "Don't say things like that. Desertion is a capital offense." The military guy then spoke, " I'm sure that there's a way for me to report back over here."

The others were in their grouping...the guy then looked at me "Thank you" I was confused "for what?" "Saving me"

"It's no problem at all" I bowed to show respect, when I raised my head I was close against to his face, I felt his breathe bounced off of it...I was close to leaning in..so wa he but I spoke. "I....I'll see you"

"Definitely" He smile and walked away. I was confused...I shouldn't be like this, I like Eun-hyeok...but he's dead...FUCK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I was a disaster on the inside.

"Nari.." I turned around to see Ji-su smirking, I think she saw what happened. "Whatever." I was obviously embarrassed...soon we made our way down. As we did we witnessed the soldiers beating down the same guy who was in the bus with us.

Anyways with commotion going on it was finally my turn to go into the place, but first I had to get a cut on my rist. As I got mine I tensed up then walked.

Soon I got into this area with what looked like doctors. I placed my hand, that had the cut through the plastic and then they cleaned it off and stamped my hand with the word "Human"

I looked over at Ji-su and remembered that she is turning soon I was pushed by a Gaurd to leave, so that's what I unwillingly did.

Soon we were all walking on a ramp to a stadium of some kind.

It was a few minutes later and I noticed some odd lights had in our direction, "Fireworks?" I said out loud and confused as hell but soon they  hit the stadium and I realised "Oh my gosh, THEY'RE BOMING US!" I yelled.

There was panic, the best way to survive this is not get trampled. An alarm then went off, everyone ran, I looked back because I couldn't find Yeong-su but the crowd was pushing me.

I was in the building and I saw Eun-yu infront of me. There was so much chaos.

I was at the bottom of the bleachers catching up go Eun-yu who was now still "Eun-yu your here!" I was then silenced when I saw 3 missiles incoming....


And it all went black.

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